I fail

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           I was almost glad of the fight to take my mind off things, almost. My hands are pulled what-would-be painfully behind my back by none other than Belletrix Lestrange. I don't try to struggle it would be pointless. Instead I watch helpless has Lucius Malfoy bullies my brother unto giving that phroposey. Why does he have to be Draco's father? Why do Harry and Draco have to detest each other? My life.

              Harry is on the verge of givinng it to Lucius when, BANG Serius is standing beside Harry. He punches Lucius in the nose. That's when the fight breaks out. Ellen apers in front of me just as I manage to get my arms infront of me and smack Belletrix on the underside of her nose. She lets go of me. Unfortunatly as she stumbles back, her nose heavily bleeding she is laughing. Ellen drags me away.

"Get the others and keep them safe" She says giving me a brief hug before pushing me in the dirction of Ginny.

              I pull out my wand and tap the man holding Ginny with it. He looks over at me. Patrifics toalus" I say before he can anything. His arms lock to his sides and he falls sideways. I step out the way and grab Ginny. We don't need words to comunicate our mutual, desparate need to find my brother. Nevil, poor Nevil is being held by a guy so buff that even though he is holding Nevil gently his face is still going purple. But even this super buff guy isn''t ammune to a perfect bat-bogey hex from Ginny. We grab Nevil and drag him along with us. He is alright just a little out of breath, thats the second time he's been strangled today. From there it's easy, almost too easy we grab Luna, Ron and Hermione. Harry is already in the midst of battling Lucius.

"Stay here guys-"

"Why we can help too?" Ginny and Hermione say at the same time. I glance over at Belitrix who is in full bitch mode. I need to go over there and turn her into  a sshrub.

"Fine just don't get killed I don't know if they have a dagger or not." I say before sprinting off, in the direction of Belitrix.

                 When I reach the battle I notice Ellen is already fighting. I join in fighting along side her without a second thought. Spells fly but I easly protect us both. The Judge's words are still floating around in my head. It is almost like their power is flowing through me, or maybe it is my own power flowing through me, either way it gives me a boade of confidense.

"You have things under control here I'm so proud of you." Ellen says before moving to another more desparate fight. I beam at her words. Everything seems to be going well Harry and Serius are forcing Lucius backwards, Hermione and Luna are helping keep a few death eaters back. We might win this. Just then in my moment of lapse in concentration Beletrix turns and grabs me by the neck. She presess something to my chest, a dagger. It burns. I scream until my throat is sore. Then I scream some more, it burns so bad. I can feel every vein is pumping fire. I watch in slow motion as Green light hits Serius squarley in the chest. Only later do I hear Belitrix scream the unforgiveable curse. I break away from Belitrix and punch her in the nose. She runs away. Harry streaks past me, for once we are in complete agreement. We give chase.


                       We end up back in the audturium oly this time we are not alone. Voldemort himself stands there like he was expecting us. Before Harry can say or do anything Dumbledore arives. Within seconds a battle arises between the two. Harry and I rush forward to join the battle but two golden statues come and push us against the  wall. Ironically it reminds me of the time Draco did something simular to me. Why would I think of that now? Why can't I stop thinking of him even when I said I would move on? I fight against the statue, I through every spell I know at it but it has no effect. After what seems like forever the statues return to their orignal positions. There is no marks of the epic battle that just unfolded exept some broken glass, scorch marks and a misty substance floating around the room. Before my eyes the mist like substance enters my brother. Only then do I relise it is a slither of Voldemort's soul trying to posess my brother. My vision goes red, no one controls my brother. I enter Harry's mind, searching for the part of Harry's mind that ksn't his. It doesn't take too long to find it. It feels cold dark and nothing like Harry. I unleash my rage upon that part of Harry's mind. I feel it leave his body. I manage to leave Harry's mind before heroicly collapsing.

                     The days fly by since I woke up in the hospetal wing. I don't see anything of Draco during those days, and I'm glad-ish. All too soon I am giving goodbye hugs to Hermione and Ginny as we step off the Hogwarts express. I am staying with the Durslseys this summer because Ellen is constantly doing work for the order. Me and Harry havn't said much to each other since I failed to save Serius. But now we grab each other's hand because we need each other's strenghth to be able to walk away from our home.

I am horrible at remembering to update so again I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorrry, please don't hate me. This is the last chapter for this book the next one will is now up so please check it out for the rest of Alexa's story it is called Half and Half. I love all of you who are reading this series and I'm sorry for my crappy updates. I also have my end of year exams starting on Tuesday so wish me luck. I love you please keep reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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