New Years

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            When we reach St Mungos with Alastor, Tonks and Lupin who also wanted to see how Athur is. I go in with Harry and the Weasleys first. After talking with Athur for  a few moments we leave so that the others can have a word with him.

              As soon as they go in Fred and Gorge get out a pair of extendible ears and feed one end under the door. We each take an end of the fleshy wire and place it in our ears.

"How did Harry see this?" Arhur asks.

"You don't think he who must not be named has-" Tonks asks.

"Possesed him I wouldn't disrecard it." Alastor finshes.

                    Harry pulls out his wire and stares at me in horrror. I stare back, I don't deny its a possiblity but I also rhink I would know if anything was trying to posess Harry.

                      When we return to Grimald place Harry disapeares and doesn't answer any of our calls he doesn't even come for dinner. Weeks past and Athur returns in good time and Harry still isn't speaking ro any of us. One night Ginny are up talking. We return to Hogwarts in a week.

"I wish I could speak to Harry, how can he forget that I've been possesed." Ginny wispers.

"Yes well my brother is stubbon, I wish you could speak to him as well I think your the only one who could make him see sense." I say.

"Speaking of lovers what is happening between you and Malfoy?" Ginny asks. I blush.

"Nothing it would be a bad idea but I keep wakeing up and visulizing his eyes" I say smiling at the memory.

"Good night lover."

                        I turn over and close my eyes imaging those eyes and how hot they are. Perfect storm grey. I fall asleep replaying the frist time he flirted with me. All too sudden daylight streams into the bedroom. I dress in a green long sleved shirt and black jeans. I go down to the kitchen, where Molly is making toast. Serius is reading the Daily Prophet. I go up and hug Serius and sit beside him. I laugh with him about how buckbeak tried to fly out the window. The twins come down five minutes later.

"Morning oh suporting slytherin I see." Fred says in mock offended voice.

"I wouldn't pick on her Fred, Sytherins are known for revenge and slyness." Serius says laughing.

"Well as long as Parkinson isn't your new bestie then its all goods."  Fred replys.

"Deffinatly not Fred." I say laughing.

"Well now we know why you are so good at pranks." Gourge says winking. Ginny comes down followed by Hermione and Ron. Harry of course doesn't show. I eat in pleasent conversation. When I am done I turn to Ginny "Gin you were right we are going to get Harry out of depression. I stand up and drag Gin with me. We sprint up the stairs to Buckbeak's room. I open the door and storm in I'm deffinatly sick of this. Maybe this is why I am part Sytherin.

"Harry stop being a prat" I say.

"I'm a danger to be around since I'm posessed by Voldemort."

"Oh please that is stupid since I'm the only one you know that has ever been posessed by he who must not be named." Ginny says indigintly.

"I forgot." Harry says quietly. I begin to do a Slytherin talent of melting into the shadows.

"Lucky you."

"So am I possesed?"

"Well can you remember everything you've done?"


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