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   Every Sunday Alastor and Linda come over to say hi and make sure we're doing alright. It was Sunday a week after I showed Harry my room. I help and laugh with Ellen in the kitchen. The doorbell rings.

"That will be mum and dad you know the securty questions right?". I nodd. I wish Harry had a something like this something he could call family other than Serius and me a complete family. I hurry to the door slipping off the stool I was sitting chopping potatoes on. I open the little peek hole and see them standing there.

"Alastor what type of jinx did you teach me?"

"A skin binding, silence jinx" he says calmly. I nodd and turn to Linda.

"What is your patronus?"

"A snithid, half snake half lizard" she states simply. So their not deatheaters always a good sign.

"And who are you?" I know they don't mean my name they mean give us prof of who you are.

"My name is Alexsanda, Lilly, Potter, although I prefer Alexa I am a red shield and my patronus is a panther which is tinged red and I play chaser in the griffindor quidich team although I orignally went after seeker" I say slowly giving them time to check my acent and each word. They both nodd and as I open up the door. You couldn't find a strangly beautiful family if you tried. Alastor is scared, with a glass eye that is constantly examining the room on a 360 axis, he walks with a limp and a twisted wooden walking stick. No matter how scared there is something Kind in his one blue eye.

       Linda however is a little more of a beauty. Her dark brown hair is always braided back, her light hazel eyes scan everyone evaluating them. She too has her share of red markes though all on her arms and legs. Her high cheekbones and kind smile are where her outer beauty lies. If you saw the moody family you could tell they where related although not imedatly from their looks, they all have an air of kindness and power sorounding them. They are the kind of people who you want to know but also want cower away from.

       We eat a delious dinner of roast potatoes and chicken which I helped Ellen with earlier. I growl as I remember I still have homework to do. Alastor had been helping me with my chaser skills, by enlarging three buterfly nets from Ellen's childhood. I laugh as I recall how Alastor failed to score one goal aganst me in our sort-of game. I grab my essay for Hagrid and head into the lounge with the rest of the moody's. I sit there for a minute. Hagrid told us to write a page and a half on a encounter with animal either first hand or a retelling of a story you either heard or read. Its obvious everyone will just search up dragons and reword Harry's encounter. I would but I am living with some one where that's there job.

"Ellen I have to write this essay do you mind if I write about one of your encounters your most unusual one". I see her think for a second before answering.

"I was sent to force a licon away from a comunty once" she says launching into her facinating story. I quickly relise a Licon is a lion twice the usual size and with its fur and mane made of spikes, the only part of it that isn't full of spikes is its stomach and underside of its paws. The essay doesn't take more than five minutes after I've heard the story and I end up writting three pages.

      The conversation quickly turns to Dumbledor and the order of the phoenix. Which as I found out is a force Dumbledor asembled to fight Voldemort. All the Moody's are members.

"Alexa Albus told me to tell you he wants you to be a honarary member in the order of the phoenix, you are officially allowed to do jobs for Dumbledor and in meetings" Alastor says beeming at me. I can't proccess it Albus wants me. Me in the order. I all but shout with joy. I swear I won't let him down. I hug everyone again and again. I place myself next to Linda as everyone tells me about the adventures they have had in the order. All too soon it is time for bed and for Alastor and Linda to go. I hug them one last time.

"Remember there is a meeting tommorrow at head quaters at 11 O'Clock" Linda says as they leave.

"Are you excited to go to the meeting and see Serius?" Ellen askes sitting on my bed like everyother night. I nodd there are no words. She seems to understand that as she returns my nodd. We talk excitebly for three hours. When I finally fall asleep Ellen kisses my forhead and my last thought is of what the meeting might entail.

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