The Drab, Degrading World of Delorus Dumbrainage

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                The night passes in a blur after my meeting with Draco. The only problem is I now know that he cares for me and I still can't be close to him. Friendship for us is doomed. I'm just torturing us both. There is only one thing I can do that might keep us both from breaking. I have to learn to let Draco go! It should be easy for Draco he can have any girl in Hogwarts.

                   The room went dark for the final time. I didn't look around me before they went off so I have no idea who is near me. I grab whoever and know imedatly who it is by the way he moves. Draco. I know what I have to do even though it brakes my heart to do so. I lean into his ear and wisper.

"Draco I know I'm just hurting both of us, Go out with Pansy and forget about me, it gives me know pleasure to say this but there will never be a chance for us. Just do me one favour and don't go out with Rebeca." A lump forms in my throat as I say it.

"Alexa I understand and of course I won't go out with Rebeca, but know this I think I love you Alexsanda Potter." His voice sounds pained but at least he doesn't hate me, for it. I kiss him for the last time. When I pull away he takes my face in his hands. I place mine on his chest as he wispers; "Your smoking" in my ear. It all makes sense now he gave me this neckless. The lights come back on and then go off again telling us the party is over. In the brief second the lights come back on I look up into the storm eyes of my dreams for the final time. His eyes show so many things, pain, love, saddness, grief but most importantly understanding. He kisses my hand and leaves me to make my way out in the dark along with everyone else.

                    Jackson takes my arm once we're out in the corridor. We stand to the side waiting for Raven, Jorden, Cassandra and Troy. We watch as the doors close, drinking in the memories of this night. I steal Raven's watch and check the time. 11:57 wow I hadn't realised how long we'd been in there. I bid good night to everyone ecept Jackson who offered to escort me back to the dungon entrance. I tried to fend off his offer but he insisted. I have a very bad hunch I know where this is going, and I don't know what I'm going to do yet. We reach the entrance too soon for my liking.

"Alexa I was um wondering if you would maybe do me the honnor of going out with me?" I knew this was coming. He was so polite about it, a little too polite for my taste but still. I am tempted to say yes just to save him from getting hurt. I was tempted until the face that has plagued my dreams for so many nights swims before my eyes. No matter what I say I can't just move on, not after evrything that has happened tonight.

"Jackson I have been informed that some want me for my ass and I know you are not one of those people but I can not go out with you I'm sorry." I say it with as much kindness as I can. I don't stay to see his reaction. I have to stand behind a statue as Flich goes past, but other than I get back to the common room without any trouble. I send all my clothes back to the room of requirement, their not mine to keep. I slip up into my dorm in my ragged shkrts and shirt that I use as pyjamas. I close the door behind me silently so I don't wake anyone.

"Alexa where have you been?" Ginny wispers sitting upright on her bed.

"I was with Raven." I state simply.

"I take it you don't know what happened to Harry then?" That takes me by suprise I should of felt it if he was in dangour.

"What happened to Harry is he hurt? Did I screw up?" I am deffinatly panicking now.

"No no hes fine but Umbrage stopped him and the twins playing quiddich ever again." Ginny replyes. What? Harry is the best seeker in over a centry. How are we going to win the cup now, and we're two beaters down. We are going to be trampled. We talk for another hour informing each other of what we have missed. We fall asleep soon enough.

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