Jack Barakat • ATL

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Y/N - Your Name

You were heading to your best friend, Jack's house when it suddenly started pouring heavily. "Great." You let out a sigh.
You hurried quickly to Jack's place, with your hair already absolutely soaked from the downpour.

You rang the doorbell repeatedly, until Jack quickly opened the door. For a few seconds there was a sense of annoyance on his face, but turned into a smile once he realised it was you. "Y/N!! I knew you'd end up here!" You smiled as he welcomed you in. You hastily sat yourself down on the couch as he went to make two cups of hot chocolate. "Did you enjoy your trip here?" Jack asked with a slight sympathetic tone. "Yeah, amazing weather" You said, sarcastically. He handed you a warm blanket and a beanie.

"So what are we going to be doing?" You asked.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Movie? We can eat stuff. I'm fine with anything."

He placed the two cups of hot chocolate down, followed by him opening the movie drawer. "What to watch Y/N?"

"Erm.. Do you have The Princess And The Frog?"

He laughed. "Do you really what to watch that?"

You both smiled. "Okay then" Jack said chuckling.

You and Jack have been friends since you were 4. You went to kindergarten together, and sticked with each other ever since then. You guys were inseparable. People in high school would always say you two were meant for eachother, and that you would end up as a couple one day. That never really happened, actually. You just remained friends until now. Unless you count the time when you guys were 5 and pretended to get married..

The movie had just started. You had your eyes on the screen for the whole time, but you realised that Jack wasn't too focused.. "Jack? Is there something bothering you?"

"No, nothing. Why?"

"You're just not too focused on the movie.."

"Oh sorry. I'm just thinking about something. Don't worry."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's it you're thinking about?" You asked because his facial expression looked a little worried and nervous.

"There's just something I've been wondering for a while now.. It's nothing to worry about.

"Jack I'm kinda worrying. What's wrong?"

He remained silent for a while.

"Jack. We've been best friends for more then 20 years. You know you can tell me anything."

"It's just... I've been thinking for a while. A-And you don't have to feel the same about this I understand. But lately.. I feel like we've been more then friends. I-I don't know if you've realised but.. I really like you.

"Wow.. Jack, I-I don't know what.."

Before you could finish what you were about to say, he suddenly bursted out

"ITS OKAY.. Look. I get it if you don't feel the same way. I know I'm not the best looking guy, and I'm not the smartest a-and I suck at cooking, and-"

You cut him off there with a kiss on the lips. You put your hands around his neck and he had his arms around your waist. He slowly kissed back.

You slowly broke the kiss, gazing into his brown eyes.

"Y/N.. Wo-Wow, I didn't think that.. but d-do you really love me or..."

"Yes Jack. Yes, I love you."

A huge smile appeared on his face as he gave you the biggest hug ever :D

You two continued to watched the movie but in between, you looked at each other and smiled. You snuggled up to each other, with the blanket wrapped around.

So how was my first imagine? Please comment and share, I'd really appreciate it :)
And I know it was all so sudden XD

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