Alex Gaskarth • ATL

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You were sitting in class, waiting for the teacher to give instructions for your biology project. You grabbed a pen and started scribbling things in your textbook, when suddenly somebody burst in the classroom door, causing the whole class to stop and stare.


He didn't say anything.

He had a bad reputation. He was always getting into a mess with the teacher, always getting a detention, and always getting drunk. And gosh, was he popular with the girls. And some boys, I'm pretty sure.
He took the seat next to me and gave me this weird look. It kinda looked like a sarcastic smile. I don't talk to Alex. Well, not anymore.
We used to be friends in primary school.
(A/N| btw, I'm Australian, so I'm not sure how schools work in other places sorry, because over here, we only have primary school and high school :/ )
We got along really well. We used to laugh together, share our lunch with eachother and even get in trouble together. But somehow since high school came, we lost all communication. He would sometimes even make fun of me, calling me things like Punk, or Emo.

I was writing down instructions when Alex asked me

"Hey, what are we doing?"

"Biology project."

"Ah. So how have you been?"


"We haven't talked to each other in a while."

"I don't see why you would want to."

"Y/N? What do you mean?"

"We used to be friends. Like friends."

"We still are... Aren't we?"

I let out a sigh and shrugged my shoulders.

Alex turned back to doing his work.

10 minutes later, the bell rang, and we made our way to the next class. It wasn't long before I got out that Alex came and tapped me on the shoulder.



"Look Y/N, is there anything I've done that made you upset? I really missed you. Honestly."

"It's just you've been so.. so involved with everyone that it seems like you forgot about me.."

"Y/N.. I had no idea. I-I'm sorry."

"That's okay.. I just had all this time to think about you and all the.. Popular kids and I always wondered if you remembered me.."

Alex ran his hand through his hair.

"I know I've been.. Busy with everybody but Y/N, you should've known that I'll never forget you.. We had so many memories with eachother, some of them were the happiest moments of my life"

You both smiled as he took you in for a hug.
From then on, you guys have rekindled your relationship, and soon later he asked you out :)


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