Jack Barakat • All Time Low

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You and Jack walked with eachother to your lockers as students flooded the hallways, dashing to theirs. Both of you were best friends since you were little and were inseparable ever since. Your friends and classmates would always mock and taunt you two because for some reason, having a best friend of the opposite gender wasn't acceptable.
You got your lunch out of your lockers and made your way to the place you always stayed at lunch. Under a tree in the middle of the courtyard. Soon enough, the most irritating part of your lunch break approached you. As people walked past the tree, they'd tease you and Jack, and say some things containing inappropriate content [that I won't mention]
They eventually rid themselves of bothering you. Finally.

"Hey Y/N, don't let any of that shit bother you."

"I won't. We're just friends anyways.."
You continued on doing what you do in your lunch break. Talking, joking about, playing music sometimes, etc.
It was eventually time to go home, and you hugged Jack goodbye, hearing a few murmurs and 'oooooooooohs' on the background. You just ignored them. When you got home, you logged onto your laptop to see that you have many more emails that you receive usually. You opened your inbox and found that they were from an unknown email. The email address didn't give out any clues of who it could be..
You suspiciously opened one to find explicit language and body shaming messages about you and your appearance. Each email got worse. It went from teasing to blackmail to death threats. You sure hoped this wasn't affecting Jack...
When you about to open the rest of the emails you got a message  from Jack. It read:

Hey Y/N, I was thinking maybe we could catch a movie sometime. Like a date? Maybe this Friday? Let me know.

Shit, there was so much going on. You thought to yourself "What's the worst that could actually happen?"
So you texted Jack back saying:
"Sure, 7:00pm?"
While you sent the text, you thought about what would happen if the school found out that you and Jack were dating. Would they be nicer to you since you have a boyfriend? Or would they mock you even more? You didn't know what to do or how to react.
That's when Jack saw your message and replied:
Perfect. I'll pick you up :)
Friday ~ 6.30pm.
You put on a simple black dress just a tiny bit above your knee, and touched up your make up for the last time. Then finally, you did your hair in a low messy bun. You thought you looked good. Actually, great. Until suddenly your mind remembered that email that you read last evening. Then your opinion on your body and your appearance took a drastic change. You were paranoid that you looked too fat in the dress and your make up was too much. Even your hair, which you did perfectly. You still denied that it wasn't good enough. Well, not good enough for Jack.
You restarted everything. Your outfit, your make up, your hair, jewellery, everything. You started tearing up in your eyes, and sniffling slightly, in the sight of your appearance in the mirror. "What's wrong with me?" You thought to yourself as your eyes swelled up even more tears. You didn't know why you felt like this. Peer pressure never really took an effect on you, why would it be now? Is it because you believed what they said?
It was 6:45pm by now, and you had no clue what you should be doing. You decided to just wear the dress you had on before, and have the same makeup. It looked even worse now since you were sobbing your eyes out for 15 minutes. You tried convince yourself that you were beautiful. It was hard but eventually you believed that everything was fine. You felt a sense of denial in your heart, but you left that for later. You practiced your smile in the mirror a few times before going downstairs to have a couple of mints, and then the doorbell rang.
You opened the door to see Jack, dressed in a plain dark blue t-shirt, black skinny jeans and an adorable smile.
"Wow. You look gorgeous.." Jack complimented dreamily. "Really?" You were still in doubt.
"Hell yeah, you're beautiful!" Jack exclaimed happily.
You felt a little sense of happiness again when he said that.
You looked up at him and smiled :)
"Are you ready to go?" Jack asked.
You nodded and both headed out to his car.
"So, where are we going?"
"You'll see. It's a suprise." Jack said giving you the urge to find out where it is. But you know that would ruin all the fun.
"Well now I'm excited!"
"You should be sweetheart." Jack said in a cute loving tone. You thought to yourself how cute he was and couldn't help but blush slightly.
You reached your destination as the car came to a slow stop.
You both opened the door to take a look around at your surroundings. There wasn't much to see yet.
"Oh don't worry, this isn't the spot." Jack whispered.
You took a scan around to only see a small field from a distance and a path that led down where the car was parked.
"Come, follow me princess" Jack told you with a comforting smile. You followed along beside Jack, still curious about where you were heading. He led you down the path, which opened up to a large flowery meadow with a overhead hedge leading to a round wooden platform with a small dining table and a waiter. The table was set with a wine red tablecloth, golden plates and cutlery, napkins folded into swans and to set the mood, a red rose in a glass vase.
"Jack, this is absolutely amazing!" You turned to Jack who was already smiling at you. "I'm glad you like it, princess!" You walked towards the table looking around at the evening sky and the flowers lying in the grass. "It's so beautiful!" You were almost lost for words. Then Jack came from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered quietly into your right ear "You're beautiful."
                                          ~The End~

Hello everybody!
So as you might've realised, this imagine is a little longer then some of my previous ones. That's because I don't really know what length of text you like to read, so please let me know, are my chapters too long, or too short or something in between maybe? But again, thank you for reading, I hoped you enjoyed this one! It had a little bit of a fairy tale ending which I think is nice :]
Bye bye for now!
                                           - tina, your fairy godmother.

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