Derek Discanio • State Champs

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btw such an awesome band.
Y/M/P = Your Music Preference

Your eyes started to form an image as you slowly blink continuously, it was a little blurry and unclear at first but then your vision eventually came back to you. As you carefully lifted up your head to take a quick scan around the room, you saw a pale blue curtain surrounding you. You looked down and realised that you were lying down in a white bed, with a vase of flowers beside it.
"Woah, what happened??" You thought to yourself in confusion and curiosity. You tried to remember what happened and why you ended up in this place. You thought hard, attempting to recall the most recent event where you weren't here. Nothing. You suddenly heard murmuring outside the curtain. It was a conversation. You heard your name spoken by a male voice. You slowly sat up trying to make out what they were saying. Footsteps approached your bed and somebody's hand pulled the blue curtain to one side.
"Oh you're awake! How are you feeling?" He asked with a polite smile.
"Err.. Who are you exactly?" You asked.
"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Derek. I found you on the floor at the park.. Do you remember any of it?"
It made you think again. A park. What would you be doing at a park? You barely visit a park.
"Actually, no. It doesn't even sound familiar.."
"I see. Well that's ok, you're fine now."
" I guess so."
Derek sat down on the armchair beside your bed, twiddling his thumbs. It was a really awkward situation.
"Erm.. So what do you do in your spare time?"
You were so thankful that somebody FINALLY said something, you couldn't bare the silence.
"Well, just things like listening to music, traveling, drawing, all that type of stuff."
"Cool, I love music as well! What type do you listen to?"
"Things like Y/M/P"
So you thought this was the conclusion of this somehow satisfying conversation. "Back to the awkward silence again, I guess." You thought. A few minutes afterwards, a male doctor and a female nurse walked in, approaching you.
The doctor spoke "Alright Y/N. The tests show that there are no serious injuries or symptoms so I'm positive that you will be safe to go home now. Is there anything else that you feel the need to tell me? Any questions?"
"No, I don't think so doctor." You replied.
The doctor nodded and walked out the room, the nurse following alongside.
"Um, Y/N, I could take you home if you feel comfortable with that..." Derek said with a slight tone of sympathy in his voice.
"Okay, that would be great, thanks." You responded with a smile. He stood up from his chair and held a hand out.
"Need any help getting up?"
You gently took his hand in yours and slowly pulled yourself up steadily, tossing the blanket to one side and getting out of the hospital bed. "You alright there?" Derek asked. "Yeah, I'm good to go." The two of you headed out to his car, your arm around Derek's shoulder. He turned the radio on as he started the car, and Stay by Mayday Parade came on. You started quietly humming along with the song as you heard another voice join in [awe, cute!]
Your eyes met and you exchanged smiles with eachother, by now you were both singing it out loud. You pointed directions to your house and got there in no time. "Is this the place?" "Sure is."
You both got out of the car as he walked you to the door. "Are you good to go from here?" He asked as you got the key and unlocked the door. "Yeah, and hey, thank you so much for taking care of me." You said in a shy and quiet tone. "No problem at all!" You gave him a big hug and wrapped your arms around his hips as he did the same to you. He rested his chin on your head, and you suddenly felt really comfortable in his arms. A couple of minutes passed and the hug finally came apart. "Y/N, I'd actually love to see you again sometime."
"That would be great! How about we catch up sometime during the week?"
You exchanged phone numbers and hugged eachother goodbye for the last time for tonight.

[sorry for not posting on this book for a while! But I hope you enjoyed this one, it was pretty adorable haha]

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