Ashley Purdy • BVB // Part 2

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[ hello! So if you haven't read part one of this it might be a good idea to get onto that one first... ]

*includes some family problems and abuse. Please if you are sensitive to these subjects, please don't read this*

Your seatbelt clicked as you secured yourself in your seat. It was a long drive and you were going to be a long way from Ash. You've lost your closest friend and you never thought you'd see him ever again. Halfway through the drive, you fell asleep.
"Hey Y/N, sweetie, wake up. We're here." Your dad whispered.
You slowly opened your eyes to a complete unfamiliar and different surrounding.
You got out the car and took a look around the neighbourhood. It was real. You were here. What would happen next, you didn't know. But there was one thing you were scared of. School. You never had a good experience at school, things would always go wrong. You didn't really think much of it after a while. But just when everything was going wrong, your dad made some hard decisions. In the morning, you went downstairs to go to school. You saw your dad on the couch with his head buried in his hands, with what looked like a dozen bottles on the table. "Dad what are you doing?! don't do this!!" You started to regret saying that as he stood up,making himself look bigger then he was. He came up to you and punched you right in the eye. You felt sore and numb. "Don't you ever tell me what to do, you fucker!" You started tearing up but held the tears back. You would know that you're better off going to school then staying home at this point. You went on the bus, with eyes creeping up on you. You knew they were looking at your eye. You arrived at school and it already felt like hell. You stepped in the front entrance as suddenly everybody was looking at you. A silent stare turned into laughter. School was an absolute nightmare. You were harassed, threatened and bashed. Years passed and it was time for high school...
You came home to see the house almost empty. There were cardboard boxes that were sealed and stacked on one another, and you see your dad packing a box. "Dad, what's happening? What's all this?" You asked questionably. "Y/N, we're moving back to our home town! (EVERY POP PUNK SONG REFERENCE SORRY)" He said, happily..
You didn't really know what to think.. Were you going to see Ash again? You hoped so, that's for sure. As the drive went on further and further you started to recognise your surroundings. When you arrived and got out of the car, you had to admit, not much has changed for more then 3 years. The houses looked the same, and so did the streets. But then you realised that you also had another thing coming your way. It came before, but it's going to be harder then ever. When you realised you were going to have a new school experience for the third time, a flashback of events came cramming into your mind. Was the same thing going to happen again?
It was 7:15am and school started at 8:30. You got up  and got ready, trying to convince yourself that nothing would go wrong, and that there were other kids that were new too. You walked to the bus stop, and the bus was already there. "Good timing" you thought to yourself. There were a few other people on the bus, some you thought had to be going to the same school as you. The bus arrived shortly and you got off, and had a look around your new school. It was a hell lot bigger, that's for sure. You hoped that just because it was a big school, doesn't mean there were big kids.
As you stepped in the front door to a long hallway of lockers, you thought, hey, everyone seems nice. Your heart lifted a little bit seeing that it was a nice environment. You suddenly snapped back into reality. You didn't know where to go, and where you were supposed to be. You looked around for a teacher or somebody who actually knew what they were doing. You felt a tap on your shoulder and as you turned around you saw a boy, that looked like your age, smiling.
"Er.. Hi! Um.. Are you lost?" The boy asked politely. "Oh, um yeah I actually am." You said back, giving a small smile. "Yeah I am too. You're new here?"
"Same. My names Ashley" he said casually while holding out his right hand. You thought for one second "Ashley... No, it can't possibly be, no way"
By now, your stomach was tensing up and you felt a little anxious talking to him. You again came to grips with reality and tried not to act weird towards him.
"I'm Y/N" you said as normally as you can.
"You look.. Familiar..." Ash hesitantly said. "You sound familiar as well..."
"I've got a feeling I know you as well..."
A second of silence stood between you guys, as you pulled out your phone and took something out of the card holders. It was the drawing that Ash made when you moved away.
"Err.. Do you recognise this in any way?"
Ash gasped as he covered his mouth with two hands with a shocked expression. He was speechless.
"I thought I'd would never see you again!" He said loudly, causing a few eyes to look at the two of you. He pulled you into a ginormous hug, not feeling like he'd let go any time soon.
After school, you met up with Ash at the park nearby. You sat on the swings and talked about so much.
"So how was life over there?" He asked happily
"It's okay, I guess. A few highs and lows.." You said in more of a flat, unsatisfactory tone.
"Oh tell me about it, what went wrong?"
"Just things, after mum died, things took a toll, and dad wasn't doing too well and I wasn't either." You looked over to Ash and he had such a sympathetic expression. "Oh I'm so sorry, Y/N, I wish I could've been there with you"
"Don't be sorry, you couldn't do anything about it, it would've been so much better with you though :)"
So now, your friendship is stronger then ever, even stronger then it was back then :]

(Hello! So I hope you enjoyed this second part :]
I think this is actually my longest chapter yet, yay!)
- ThePiercedAvengedBurrito

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