Chapter 3

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Cara's POV

I woke up with a heavy weight on my side, keeping me from moving, let alone getting up. So, naturally, my first instinct was to scream, and that's exactly what I did. Then I realized it was Niall, and quickly stopped. I must've scared the daylights out of him, because he shot up like a bullet, all wide eyes with his hair sticking up in all directions. He looked like a complete madman. I would've laughed if it weren't for the circumstances. Upon seeing me, Niall calmed down a bit.

"God, what was that for!?" he groaned, rubbing his temples. I, on the other hand, was absolutely livid.

"I thought you said you were going to sleep on the couch!" I exploded, hands balling into fists at my sides. God, how long had he been there? As soon as I fell asleep? I shuddered just thinking about it. Niall merely shrugged.

"I got cold." But even I could see the pink tainting his cheeks. I wanted nothing more than to hit the blush off his face, but just then the wonderful smell of breakfast hit my nostrils. As if on cue, my belly growled loudly enough to wake the dead.

"Are you hungry?" Niall asked. My stomach growled again. "I'll take that as a yes." He smiled.

Niall came over to me, and immediately I started backing up with wide eyes. His smile dropped, and he stopped.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." he said. I didn't believe him, of course, but it gave me pause that he even bothered to say it. Slowly, he held out his hand. I hesitaantly took it, feeling a slight tingling sensation in my fingers.

Niall seemed to notice as well, his lips curling slightly before he darted off at inhuman speed to the kitchen. When we got there, which was like in three seconds, I let out a shaky breath I didn't realize I had been holding in. Their kitchen was surprisingly gorgeous, just like the rest of the house. It had dark wooden walls and silver appliances with a marble counter.

Steaming heaps of food were placed along the table like a buffet, and I instantly felt like drooling. However, no one was there helping themselves, which was strange.

"So, what do you want to eat?" Niall asked, but I just shook my head, still gaping. He chuckled lightly, before fixing me a plate with a little of everything.

"There you go," he said, handing it over, before making some for himself. We ate in an awkward silence, no one wanting to try and start a conversation. I wasn't complaining though, it gave me time to think.

What am I doing? I just got kidnaped by damned bloodsuckers! I should be trying to escape, not having breakfast and small talk! I mentally scolded myself.

I must've been in my own thoughts for a while because when I came too, Niall was waving his hand in my face. I jolted a bit.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked.

"How I'm going to escape from you bloodsuckers," I mumbled quietly, thinking he wouldn't hear, but of course, he did. I immediately regretted opening my mouth when I saw Niall's shocked expression. However, his shock quickly turned to anger. Before I even had time to register what was happening, Niall slammed me into the wall behind the counter, and I let out a whimper.

"You don't want to anger me, sweetheart," he growled, leaning in close, "You don't know what I could do to you."

That gave me chills.

He leaned down farther, his mouth now at my neck. I felt two sharp things, I guessed as fangs, press lightly against my neck. I screamed, thrashing in vain against his iron grip. I prayed to God someone would come in and stop this. Then without warning, Niall sunk his fangs deep into my neck, not hesitating before taking big gulps.

I hissed in pain, my back arching off the wall as I writhed. After an eternity of pain, Harry burst into the room, pushing Niall off me. My vision was becoming extremely blurry, and I started to sway, I think. Then Liam came in and shouted for Louis. He came bursting through the door, helping a struggling Harry to hold Niall down. While Louis and Liam pinned Niall down, Harry came to my side asking way to many questions for me to make sense of them. I started to get really dizzy and my knees buckled from under me, causing me to fall unwillingly into Harry's embrace.

The last thing I thought of was that Niall had promised that he wouldn't hurt me. I knew I shouldn't have believed him.

Then blacked out in Harry's strong arms.


Author's Note

Hey guys, whatcha think? Good, bad? Or what? Please comment and vote!! I love you guys!! I'm not really sure what else to say, so bye!! Be safe, don't talk to strangers, and brush your teeth!!! Lol, now bye!!!

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