Chapter 5

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Cara's POV


"Why can't humans have powers? Surely humans deserve them more than these cruel bloodsuckers, who surprisingly haven't enslaved mankind. I just hope there aren't more of these demons around," he hissed through gritted teeth. As soon as the words left his mouth, their four heads whipped towards me. All had red specs dancing in their vision as they glared at me. Then they started to come closer.

Why couldn't I have controlled my stupid thoughts?


I really started to freak out when they came closer. At arms length, Liam yanked me up by the neck. My body screamed in protest at the sudden movement, and I yelped in pain. He held my neck tighter as I thrashed about, desperately clawing at his hands. To my great surprise, he suddenly let me go. I didn't hesitate to make a break for the door, sprinting as fast as I could.

I'd only gotten a few feet, when I ran into something that resembled solid rock, but was actually Liam's chest. I tumbled backwards into Zayn, and instantly my arns were trapped in his iron grip. The rest of the boys, aside from Niall because he wasn't there, came closer. I squirmed and thrashed and kicked and screamed, but let's face it, Zayn was a hundred times stronger then me. I froze, however, when Liam leaned down to my neck.

"This will hurt," he whispered, and then I felt two sharp fangs graze the skin of my neck.

"N-No, please no! I'm sorry I take it back! Please don't! You said you wouldn't hurt me, " I begged/screamed.

Liam answered my frightened pleas by plunging his fangs deep into my neck. I screamed, arching my back in pain as he began taking deep gulps. Liam simply moaned against my skin, holding me tighter. It felt as if someone had lit a fire inside my body and was burning all my organs. I was sobbing and screaming, but at the same time losing my will to fight back. They had total control of my future and actions, what was the point in denying it? I was beginning to get dizzy, and the room started to spin. My knees buckled from beneath me, and thankfully that dislodged Liam's fangs from my neck.

Liam swiftly caught me and leaned down once more.

"I've been wanting to do that from the first time I saw you," he whispered, and with that I passed out from lack of blood.


I was awoken by the feeling of the thing I was lying on shifting as someone sat on it. I shot up, scooting back until I hit the far wall. It turned out that the person was Louis, and the thing I was lying on was a bed. The events of last night replayed in my head; the fangs, the pain, passing out. I started shaking and brought my knees up to my chest.

The relief was evident on his face, probably from me waking up, but it also showed little signs of sadness, and....guilt? Maybe I'd mistaken, and it was something else, but it sure looked like guilt to me.

"I'm so sorry. I can't believe I let him do that, especially since Niall had just lost control on you like that. I can't tell you how guilty I've been feeling lately. Everyone has. Especially Liam, he really didn't mean to do that, his inner vampire consumed him and when that happens you can't do anything about it. I'm so sorry, can you please forgive me," Louis gushed. My mouth fell open in shock. Wow, so they did have feelings. He looked so sincere and really sad, like a lost puppy, but I just didn't think I could forgive him, or anyone, after something like that.

I didn't answer, and his face fell.

"It's okay, I don't think I would have forgiven me either," Louis mumbled. He then stood up, and I looked up at him as he extended his hand.

"Breakfast is waiting, m'lady, " he said halfheartedly, trying to lighten the mood. I reluctantly took his hand with my own, and he helped me up. Louis led me into the kitchen, where unfortunately all the boys were eating, even Niall. All of their heads snapped up towards us when we walked in.

Guilt masked all of their features. I tried to discreetly hide behind Louis as I sat beside him at the far side of the table. Everyone was eating cereal, and my stomach growled. Louis instantly jumped up and made me some cereal in vampire speed. I made my amazement very evident as he passed me my cereal, gaping silently. Louis merely chuckled and sat back down.

We all ate in an awkward silence, no one wanting to start a conversation. I was terrified and on-edge. What if they did it again? I would honestly rather die than be a personal blood bag to some heartless vampires. I froze and gazed up at Harry. He must've heard that. His eyes were practically drowning in guilt.

"I promise we will never, ever hurt you again. Liam didn't mean to, he just got really hungry. He - we all feel really bad about it. Please forgive us," he pleaded, his green eyes searching my face for any sign that I would.

I just shook my head.

"I will never forgive any of you. You kidnapped me and my brother and have nearly killed me twice. Now you're asking for forgiveness? You're insane," I spat in their faces, before storming away. I needed to be alone. Randomly choosing a room, I didn't care whose it was, I slammed the door behind me. Putting my back to the wall, I slid down to the floor and placed my head in my hands. Sobs racked my body, no matter how hard I pushed them down. I finally fell asleep after crying for what felt like hours.


Author's Note

Hello random people of the world who actually read my book. How would you react if it was you who got kidnapped? Please comment, vote, and follow me!! I would love to hear your feedback on my book. Right now I'm not really sure how I'm doing, so I'd love to hear what you think. Oh random question, what's your favorite song/ artist? I love you guys, well girls.... I think?

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