Chapter 21

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Niall's POV

Right now, we're all in the living room of the cabin. Me pacing the floor angrily while everyone else sat discussing what to do about Cara being with Seth and his four little bastard friends. I would occasionally pipe in comments as needed, but mostly I would just pace to myself and think about all the things that Seth could be doing to her right now.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking about that. It wasn't helping anything. So instead I tried to think about what we did when we first found out that Seth was with his four little vampire friends.


Two Days Ago:

As soon as Louis said that, everyone seemed to freeze.

"What the hell do you mean Seth is here? I thought you didn't smell him at the house?" Liam said angrily.

Louis shook his head,

"I didn't, he must've gotten them to get her so we wouldn't smell him," He said, clearly frustrated.

Well, so was I.

Actually, I was past frustrated. I was completely pissed off at Seth to say it nicely. I was ready to go in there and rip his head off. I just about did it until Liam held me back.

"You don't know how many of them are in there, we should go back home and try and figure out what to do," He said, then added with a look at me,"without getting ourselves killed,"

I groaned, but agreed since he was right. We ran back home after that. To "try and figure out what to do". Once we got there, basically everyone started to scream at each other. Until Liam finally snapped and yelled louder then anyone else,

"Shut the hell up!" Everyone immediately did, Liam hardly ever yells.

Then he continued in a much more quiet tone,

"We're getting nothing accomplished by this. We need to just think of something, and quickly," He continued and looked at each of us.

We all nodded and actually started to do something productive. *notice the sarcastic tone* But we did actually start to talk about possible solutions to our problem. Then I heard something, probably-no the most terrifying sound ever. The sound that I have heard only in my most horrific nightmares. But it was a hundred times worse, because I knew I couldn't wake up from this.

Cara was screaming. Not terrified screaming, but as if she was in pain. She was screaming so loud that I could hear it, obviously, though I knew she was at least miles away. I stood frozen, trying my best not to break down right then and there. I quickly shook myself out of it and was about to go and rip to shreds whoever had dared lay a finger on her, when Zayn quickly grabbed my arm.

"No, we can't just go barging in there and end up getting killed," He said.

"I don't fucking care of I get killed or not, I just need to make sure whoever touched her gets killed," I growled.

"But, if you and the rest of us gets killed, who's going to protect Cara from getting killed also?" He asked.

I stopped, then went numb knowing I couldn't win this battle.

"No, no, no, no!!!" I said miserably as fresh tears ran down my face.

I went over and punched the nearest wall in rage that I couldn't even protect the girl I love. As more tears made their salty path down my now moist cheeks, I continued my rage in destroying everything that was in the house. After what seemed like forever, the screaming was abruptly cut off.

Why Me?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora