Chapter 14

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Cara's POV

After I had gotten dressed and taken a long shower, I had sat down on my, well, mine and Seth's bed, and tried to figure out what to do. It's been thirty minutes and I still haven't figured out an answer. I groaned and laid down so that my feet were hanging off the bed. I looked at the clock, Seth was leaving in one hour with seven of his best hunters, including Damian and Ed. I knew one thing though, I couldn't let Seth kill them. I have no idea why, but I think it has something to do with Seth getting hurt... Yeah, that's it! I don't want Seth to get hurt, so I don't want him to try and kill the boys.

But how do I stop him? Maybe I can go warn the boys? No, that wouldn't work, they'd just take me again. Or Seth would catch me and get the wrong idea. Come on Cara, think! I'm so stupid! I could just tell Seth that I don't want him to get hurt! I jumped out of the bed and ran down stairs. Into Seth.

"Are you okay?" Seth gushed. Where have I seen this before? I chuckled and nodded my head as he helped me up. He chuckled too, and shook his head.

"What were you running from?" He asked.

"Well, actually I was looking for you." I said,"Please don't go! I really don't want to see you get hurt, or anyone else, because of me." I added with a realization that all of this is my fault.

I froze: all of this is my fault. What have I done? I could get Seth killed, or one of his pack members.

Seth gently but firmly planted his hands on my shoulders,

"Cara, this could never be, in any way possible, your fault. You did absolutely nothing. You got kidnapped for Pete's sake! It's those bastards who kidnapped you's fault." Seth said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Thank you, for everything." I whispered in his ear and pulled back after a minute,"But please, just, don't do this." I said getting back onto the topic at hand.

He sighed,"I'm sorry, but I have to." He said and then walked off, leaving me standing there clueless.

Why? I mean wasn't it his choice? I ran around the corner that he just disappeared to, but he wasn't there...? Well, my plan is ruined. What can I do now?I looked at the nearest clock. Seth's now going to leave in 30 minutes. Great. Note the sarcasm. Time for Plan B. I have to warn the boys. I quickly turned and darted out of the house, when I stopped.

I have no idea where their house is, or what they'll do when I find them. Well, I do have sort of an idea of where they are... The pond. I can always go there, and then I can find my way from there. I started running straight into the woods. You know, I think this is the first time I've gone into these woods willingly, without being chased or anything.


After a couple minutes of running, I finally came to a stop at the pond. I darted my vision around until I saw this little patch of bushes that I remember going into. I darted straight into them, and ran in the direction of the little things that I could remember.
Finally the cabin came into view. I sprinted up the steps and to the door and started banging really hard on the door. Finally someone opened the door, Harry.

"Cara?" He asked looking bewildered.

I nodded,"Listen y-" he cut me off by capturing me in a bone crushing hug, pulling me inside.

"Harry, who's at the do- CARA?!?!" Louis screamed, coming in the room and seeing me. That was all it took to get all the boys in the room. Including Niall. Oh shit, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Cara." He whispered, barely audible.

He looked like he was about to say something else, but Liam beat him to it.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

I breathed out a sigh, "Seth's coming, with hunters. Damian said that it was you who had the knife to my neck, so now Seth's pissed. He's coming soon, with seven of his best men. I came to warn you, because I didn't want him to hurt you..." I said quickly because I was still out of breath and kind of trailed off at the end.

"Why would Seth care?" Liam asked.

"Um, I'm actually not sure myself," I said uncertainly.

Why does he care? He's risking the well being of his pack to kill these vampires, just because they had a knife to my neck. And they didn't even do that! I can't believe Damian said that. Well, actually I can, but I'm still surprised that he did.

"Does he know you're here." Harry asked, seemingly like he already knew the answer.

"No, not really. " I said quietly looking at the floor, "But seriously, you need to leave. He's going to be here any minute. Maybe even sooner once he notices I'm gone. So go! Now! And I'll run back to the pack house." I said, getting back to what I was supposed to be doing.

"No way, he's going to be mad at you when he finds out you came here." Zayn said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He's not going to find out, don't worry," I reassured them, even though I was positive he would, but I wasn't going to tell them that. I would deal with him later.

Harry gave me a knowing look.

"Fine," Louis huffed, clearly not pleased about it.

"Ok, I seriously have to go back now, and you have to leave, so bye," I said quickly after I had looked at the clock.

I was about to the door, when someone grabbed my wrist, stopping me. I turned around, seeing...Niall. I visible tensed.

"Y-yeah?" I questioned, stuttering a bit.

"Listen, I'm really sorry I freaked out on you. I just can't control myself when I'm around blood," he exclaimed, clearly frustrated.

He shook his head,"Anyways, I just wanted to ask you, why do you care? If Seth comes or not." He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Um, I-" I was about to answer when I was cut off by thudding in the distance. Oh god, Seth's coming. My eyes widened and I started to panic, but thankfully Liam came running. Probably heard too.

"We can't run, they'll just follow our scent. We have to fight," he said, looking at Niall.

"NO! No you can't, please!?! Wait... I think I have an idea..." I sprinted toward where I heard the thudding.

I expected them to be there, just a couple hundred yards away, but nothing could've prepared me for what I actually saw.


Author's Note

I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY!!!! I really am, for not updating in FOREVER!!!!!! And for such a short chapter!!!! But I wanted to leave it on a cliffy!!!! I promise I will update really quick, and the chapter will be long-ish!!!! But I do have an excuse!!!! I had a friend come over for a couple days, so I was occupied, then, I had to go to my grandparents house for two days, and they didn't have wifi. I just got home and I wanted to update because I felt bad, so I'm sorry!!!!

Anyways, now that I've gotten my apologies over, WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?! Please comment and vote!!!! It would literally make my day, and me really happy!!! So please do!!!! I love you guys!!!! Thank you so much for all the reads!!! It really means so much to me!!!! Not really sure what else to say, so bye guys!!! Hope you liked it!!!

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