Chapter 24

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Cara's POV

Previously on 'Why Me' Cara's POV

I tried my best to just casually walk by, hoping that if the guys were still in there, they wouldn't see me. I laid my hand on the doorknob of the entrance door, and opened it.

The wind that hit me was more refreshing than cold. It was a wonderful signal that said I had made it.

But, I wasn't quite done yet.

I still needed to get away, and I had no possible way of doing that. I didn't have a car.

I was just about to give up and sit down on one of the benches until Luke found me, when I felt a large hand on my shoulder.

Well, I guess I didn't have to wait long.

I turned, and froze.

"Niall," I whispered.


I stood frozen as I stared at the blue eyed boy in front of me.

He was really here.

Once I thought that, I practically jumped into his arms.

"Oh my God," was all I was able to get out.

I kept repeating those three words. That was all I could say. There were a million thoughts all flying around through my head.

I just couldn't believe it.

That's when my happy reality shattered around me.

Luke burst through the exit doors, looking around until his blazing eyes landed on me and Niall.

He looked pissed as hell.

He started walking over to where we were and I quickly turned to Niall.

"You have to get out of-" I stopped and stared in horror as Niall's face changed before my eyes.

I was no longer staring at Niall, instead someone who I feared deeply.


I opened my mouth, but no words came out as I stared at him. Then Luke came up behind me and grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn to him.

"What the hell?!" He said loudly, but not quite yelling.

I didn't answer.

Ashton ran a hand along my jaw.

"Oh the things we could do to you," he whispered. I flinched away from his touch, but he continued,"Luke, what do you think a fitting punishment would be for her?" he asked Luke like I wasn't there.

In a way I wasn't. My mind was completely somewhere else, yet I was standing right there. I'm surprised I was still standing at all, though I'm not sure how much longer I could.

Niall's face kept replaying in my mind, then how he changed.

"I think we should decide at home, where it's a bit more private," Luke said, still holding tightly onto my arm.

"Agreed, I'll go get the boys," Ashton said then went back into the mall.

It didn't really hit me until then how much I missed my old life.

Before everything.

Before I knew that vampires and werewolves existed, and how I would've laughed at anyone who said other wise, I missed all my friends and family, heck, I even missed school. Just my old, normal life.

Why Me?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora