Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

I can't believe that she went with him.

Well, actually I can, he's not a god damned bloodsucking demon. I was abruptly pulled from my thoughts, as soon as Cara and Seth were out of sight, abut twenty wolves surrounded us.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

I darted a glance over to see what the other guys were doing. Harry then spoke.

"They say if we surrender now, they won't kill us," he said, obviously reading their minds. I looked over to Liam. He closed his eyes, and nodded hesitantly, showing that we should do it. But Louis on the other hand looked appalled,

"What?! You want us to just give up?" He exclaimed. Liam looked at him,

"We have no chance. There are five of us and over twenty of them, we'd be dead before we could even yell for help," He said hopelessly. But he's right, we had literally no chance. Three of the wolves changed into their human forms, and came towards us.

"Seth planned this didn't he?" I asked one of them, realization hitting me like a slap to the face. He just smirked at me and pushed me forward, along with the rest of the guys. The remaining wolves just followed us like guards. When we reached the cabin, Seth was standing in the front, smirking at us, while we glared at him.

He took us down to the lowest part, or what I was guessing as the lowest part, of the cabin. Into this concrete room, completely bare, except for all the stuff that hung on the wall. It looked like your classic dungeon, with all kinds of whips, knifes, and other stuff I couldn't even name. He chained us to the far wall, to hard for even a vampire to break out of. By now their were only three people with us: Seth and two muscular dudes with seemingly permanent frowns on their faces. Seth turned to one of them.

"Break every bone in their body, but don't kill them. Do this once before I come back," he ordered.

They nodded and he was about to leave when he turned to me.

"I think I'll just have to go lay with Cara for a bit," he said with a smirk. I violently pulled against my chains, the steel cutting into my skin, but I really couldn't care less right now.

"Don't you fucking touch her," I yelled. He just smiled down at me, and shut the door. I sighed furiously and looked down at the concrete floor.

"Damnit!" I cursed.

But then a scream filled the air that literally made my blood run cold: It was Louis'.

Oh my God, this is going to be hell...


Cara's POV

I was slightly jostled awake when I felt Seth's arms leave their former place at my waist,

"Where are you going?" I asked, my voice raspy, sleep still very evident.

"I just need to take care of some stuff," He said softly,"I'm sorry I woke you up, go back to sleep," He continued gently.

I nodded, closing my eyes. I was still really tired so I had no trouble going back to sleep.


I woke up to the sun's rays gently blanketing my face in its warmth. I stretched my arms above my head, and sighed contently. Trust me, I'm not normally a morning person, but I surprisingly had a good sleep. The smile that was previously on my face faded quickly as I thought about yesterday's events. I sat up and rested my back on the head board as I laid my head back on it. I have no idea what I'm going to do about the boys, I just hope they don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I slowly got to my feet in search of something to eat. The cold hit me like knives as I made my way by memory to the kitchen. When I opened the door, I was genuinely surprised when I found no one here.

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