Life is like a roller coaster. It has unexpected twists and turns.

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The next day, Seirin's coach walked into the gym like normal. She was sure it was normal.

But when she looked up at all her boys, they were staring at her in curiosity.

The coach tilted her head a bit to the side.
"Why are you guys staring?"

The boys exchanged glances, making Riko even more confused.

"They're curious about what happened between you and Murasakibara-kun."

The brunette slightly flinched. She already knew it was Kuroko, so she didn't bother yelling.
She turned to the boy.

"Is that what this is about?"

"Yes, I am also curious."

Riko sighed, remembering how her wallet was now empty because of all the snacks she bought him yesterday.

"It's nothing important. He just wanted me to buy him snacks."

"Yes, but why would he go all the way here to make you buy snacks for him?"

Riko thought back to his constant whining yesterday. He whined so much that she even bought him ten snacks instead of five or six or however much she owed him.

"How could I be so stupid..." Riko mumbled as she rubbed the temples of her forehead.

"Huh? Oh's just that..."
Riko paused. She did not want to admit that she was crying over what happened with Kiyoshi. And she didn't want to admit that the purple-haired, giant prodigy was the one who comforted her.
She trusted her boys, she really did. But every girl has their secrets.

"Well, I owed him some sweets. And I guess he couldn't wait till the weekend to get them."

The boys exchanged glances once again.

"That's all...?"

A vein popped on Riko's forehead and a dark atmosphere surrounded her, causing the group to brace themselves.

"Today the training menu is doubled."



The boys stayed silent. Hyūga then spoke up.

"Alright, everyone! Let's get started!!"


As the boys began to prepare themselves for training, Riko began writing on her clipboard.
She wanted to focus on her boys, but now her mind began wandering off to yesterday.

The two of them had stood out like a building on fire. After all, their height differences were immense. What made them stick out even more was their personalities.
Murasakibara would whine like a child and she would be scolding him about how he didn't have any concern for his health.

"But Ri-chin, I don't even get sick that easily!"
"That's not the point I'm trying to make!!"
She started to notice the strange looks people were giving them.
Finally, she gave in.
"Yaayyy." He lazily responded as he threw his arms in the air.
"On one condition!"
"What is it?"
"You have to eat all healthy food and no junk food for a month."
".........that's bullshit, Ri-chin."
"Then no."
"...a day."
"Two months."
"Five days."
"Three months!"
" week..."
"Two weeks it is!"

Murasakibara's pouting face made Riko chuckle. How could a huge boy make a such a face?


Just a Bit of Comforting (Murasakibara x Riko) Where stories live. Discover now