Chapter 14 Up (Part 1)

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(Lola's POV)

I sat in Frederick's car, sitting in silence as he drove towards his house.

After I had walked back into Sasha's office, my mom had told us that she had gotten a private nurse to take care of her, thankfully, Simone had told me that she needed the company and my mom needed care. Simone had agreed to be my mothers, in home personal nurse.

They said something about feeling lonely and needing friends. As soon as I had heard, that they would be together...any and all worry was gone.

I hadn't told Frederick about the kiss. I didn't want to make him angry and do something stupid. For some reason, Sasha and Frederick had gotten in a fight. Whatever that reason was, I was going to find out.

For now, we would go home and get some rest. If one thing good came out of all of this, it was that my mom finally knew about Frederick and I were going to be getting married.

My mom. The most important person to me, knew about the man that I loved and everything was going going to be okay...right?

I was staring out the window and all of a sudden, the car stopped moving.

We were now parked outside of his home.

"What's wrong?" I heard Frederick besides me.

I looked into his eyes and raised my browns.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking out the window.

"You keep on playing with your hands, nervously"

I looked down and indeed, my hands were going at eachother.

"Oh, I didn't realize I was doing it" I forced a smile on my face and giggled.

"That's what bothers me, what's really wrong? I thought you would be happy" he tells me, taking his seatbelt off and turning his full attention to me.

"I am happy,'s just that....I don't know, let's just go inside, I'm tired" I said, turning away and opening my door.

Frederick was at my side in seconds.

"Lola, hey, hey, what's wrong, talk to me" he said, reaching down to take my hand.

I squeezed it tightly and sighed.

"I'm just tired, can we just go to sleep, I want to hold you" I asked, wrapping my arms around his lower body, pulling him closer to me.

He didn't object. Instead, held onto me and kissed my forehead.

"I thought you would never ask" he winked, sending electric currents through my body.

I couldn't help but smile at the handsome, yet gentle man, that that I had been so lucky to find.

"I love you" I told him, as we made our way up to his aparment floor.

His eyes widened and for a moment he stiffened, but he quickly recovered and smiled brightly.

"I love you...more than you could ever imagine. I don't and won't ever deserve you, but I'm not stupid enough to let go.....not ever. I just hope you don't realize how unlucky you are to have me by your side" he said, leaning down in front of me and caressing my cheek softly.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, not understanding his sudden burst of pessimism.

"Because are perfect and I'm...I'm me" he sighed, run in his hands through his messy hair.

I smiled and shook my head.

"Well, soon you and I will be one. In 2 weeks, if we're being exact" I smiled, looking into his gray orbs.

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