Chapter 16 Good Morning

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(Lola's POV)

I laid in the empty bed, looking up at the blank ceiling above me. Everything was silent, except for the running shower, in the next room

I heard the loud splashing of the water, falling against the floor

I smiled, turning on my side, instantly feeling my lower belly clench in pain

"Ow" I groaned, laying still on my side

I took a deep breath and pushed myself up on my palms and then I softly and slowly rolled myself off the bed. Slowly I raise my arms to stretch my stiff body, but quickly lowered them, when I felt the humming pain, ripple through my lower body

I groaned, placing my hand over my naked skin

"L-Lola" I heard. My head snapped back, thinking that Frederick would be standing behind me. But there was no one

I slowly and steadily made my way over to the bathroom. I wrapped my long arms around my body. I was completely naked, feeling the cool air kiss my skin

The door was slightly open to the bathroom. All I had to do was push it slightly

I slowly and quietly pushed the door open, to find Frederick standing in the shower, with his back to me. His left arm was hosting him up against the shower, as he uses his other hand to pump himself

"Oh god Lola...yes. Fuck yes" he moaned, throwing his head back. He started pumping himself hard and faster.

Once again, the heat between my legs came rushing through my body. He was fantasizing about me?

"Yes, baby...that feels so good. Fuck" he moaned, slowing his hand down and then quickening his pace again.

I took a step forwards and then another and then another, until I was standing right behind Frederick. The only thing that separated us, was the clear glass door, that prevented the water from shooting out the shower

"Urgh" he made a sound that I had never heard from anyone

In a matter of seconds, I had opened the door and quickly hopped in the shower with him. Frederick's head snapped back, looking at me over his shoulder

"What are you doing?" I asked, knowing exactly what he was doing

"I-I...I woke up with it" his eyes were wide and innocent as he showed me his rock hard shaft. All of a sudden, a devilish smirk, kissed his lips "and it's all your fault" he bit his lip

"Then I guess, it's my job to fix it?" I smirked back, taking a step into the shower, feeling the warm water run through my feet

I slowly wrapped my arms around his hips, pushing my wet bare breasts against his naked chest. My hands traced down his thighs, rubbing my palms over the inside of his thighs

"Lola!" He groaned, throughing his head back

"Tell me Mr. Grey: what did you imagine I would do?" I whispered in his ear, rubbing my plump breasts against his soft, smooth back

He groaned, sucking in a deep breath, when my hands made contact, with his throbbing tip

"What do you want me to do" I hummed in his ear "tell me Freddy...What. Do. You. Want?" I asked, wrapping my fingers around his massive cock

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