08; An Apology and a Cupcake

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This chapter Caroline gets yelled at by Coach, but yet again, who doesn't on Teen Wolf?

                 "I'm so sorry," Liam apologized, yet again, for canceling on our date. Right as I entered the school Liam had immediately pulled me aside next to the trash bin. His blue eyes held so much sadness in them for canceling, and all I could do was smile softly up at him. I didn't want him to feel bad at all, he was sick and I had to understand that.

                 I rolled my eyes at him, "My ears have become so numb from hearing 'I'm sorry' so many times," I joked with him, winking at him playfully. My chest swarmed as I sighed with relief as I realized that we weren't going to be too awkward with each other now. He smiled down at me, his lips full and pink today. My heart hammered against my chest, and I saw Liam's eyes flicker downwards. As I saw this my ears turned bright red.

                 Liam clenched onto his backpack tighter and looked back up to my murky eyes, a nervous habit of his I've noticed. "I know, I'm sorry." He winced as he said it again, making me shake with laughter. "But to say my final sorry, I brought you this."

                 He grabbed onto his backpack and swung it up in front of him. I watched curiously as he dug around and pulled out a boring-old, paper bag. I mentally frowned as I watched him smile in satisfaction. What was in the cheap lunchbox? He placed his backpack on the ground before giving me another nervous glance.

                  His stormy blue eyes glanced up at me nervously as he dug out what my present was. I gasped in shock as I giggled at the sight of what was in the palm of his hands; a delicious, wrapped red velvet cupcake. My smile widened across my freckled face as I greedily snatched the cupcake out of his hand, unwrapping it quickly and dove straight in. The crumbs fell down onto the floor carelessly and some frosting wiped itself on my nose as well. With only my first bite I closed my eyes and moaned in pleasure.

                 Opening my eyes, I gigged happily before wrapping my arms around Liam's waist- not before making sure my cupcake wouldn't fall out of my hands of course, and let my head rest on his chest. "Thank you, pretty boy!" Liam's chest vibrated as he chuckled but nonetheless wrapped his arms around me securely. I breathed out happily as I felt the safety of his arms wrapping around my small frame.

                 Unfortunately, Liam pulled away too soon for my hormonal self. I mentally pouted as I managed to smile up at him. He held up a finger, "There's more, princess." Is he trying to give me a heart attack? Please stop.

                 I giggled as I watched him pull out a red card and threw away the bag in the trash can. In delicate handwriting, my name was written in horrible cursive. I bit my inner cheek as I handed Liam the cupcake and tore open the letter.

To This Princess,

For the night, would you consider taking down your role to become my cheerleader for the scrimmage game tonight?

                  I snorted loudly, bringing up my free hand to cover my mouth. I looked up at Liam cheekily, "Is this a way to ask if I'll go to the game tonight?"

                 Liam's face turned a tomato-red, and I wished that I could've taken a picture of him. He looked like a little kid who was talking to a pretty senior out of his league. Licking his lips, his pink lips turned upwards into a smirk. "In a sense, yes."

                 I nodded, "So the cupcake was to apologize, and was used to sucker me into becoming your cheerleader tonight?"

                 He smiled cheekily down at me, "Did it work?"

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