09; 'Oh no it's Dad'

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This chapter Caroline will talk to Kira for the first time.

       I left to the stands in no hurry, swaying my hips in a flirty way because there was a slight chance that Liam was still watching me. I spotted Mason's head in the crowd, and he was staring down at his phone in concentration. I smiled up at him even though his chocolate brown eyes never left his phone. Cupping my mouth, I yelled out happily, "Mason!"

       His head snapped downwards towards my high pitched voice and smiled at me instantly. It was his goofy, I know something and I feel like being cheeky. He flicked his wrist upwards for me to join in and I did so. Some people gave me rude stares as I accidentally pushed into them but they immediately stopped once they realized who I was.

       "Looked like a steamy conversation," Mason teased, eyeing me as I stood next to him. I rolled my murky eyes as he said this.

       "What if it was?" I joked, nudging him with my elbow a few times, making me laugh at myself. My humor is my best friend. When he didn't respond, I continued on, "Even if it was, which it wasn't, Coach ruined it."

       "Coach ruins everything." Mason commented sourly, staring down at the obnoxious coach with an annoyed look. His hands were roaming the air as if slapping nothing. Probably already angered that the Davenport Prep students looked more fit than us- and they probably were. Even though I hummed in agreement, eating another sour belt too, he kept mumbling about it. "Think about it- he ruins dreams, confidence, horny teenagers-"

       Mason was caught off by my phone ringing loudly. The familiar noise of 'Oh no it's dad!' ringtone made everyone turn their heads our way. My cheeks flamed as I grumbled under my breath about keeping my phone on silent for now on. Pressing the answer button I chirped out a 'Hey dad'

       "Hey sweety, just wonderin' if you have a ride after the game." My dad's voice boomed and I hurriedly turned down the volume. I could easily hear how stressed and worried he was. I pursed my lips in thought. Mason and Liam can't drive, I can't drive, dad can't get me, so everything revolves around Stiles.

       "Stiles should be able to," I answered, sneaking a glance at Liam and Stiles on the field. The scrimmage game was just starting and I watched as everyone jogged out to the field to start. People cheered wildly and obnoxiously making me roll my eyes. My dad started talking but I was too busy watching the game play out

       "-please be safe tonight." He said making my eyes widened.

       "What do you mean?" I chuckled awkwardly, hoping he wasn't going to give me the birds and the bees talk over the phone. The only talk my dad has given me is to not overuse my phone, don't do drugs or alcohol, and about how to not get my identity stolen.

       "Oh," My dad cleared his throat awkwardly, and I could imagine him rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Don't give into peer pressure- no drugs, and don't listen to boys they'll tell you anything to give them-"

       "Okay dad!" I exclaimed loudly making Mason give me a weird look. I placed my hand on his face and pushed him back slightly as I kept speaking to my dad. "I'll see you later tonight. I love you!" I yelled into the phone yet again getting weird looks. I wasn't ashamed by showing my love to my dad so I didn't get embarrassed like last time.

       As I hung up, I stuffed my phone into my pockets securely. Don't need it to fall out and hit the curb again. Glancing at Mason quickly in the corner of my eye I noticed Violet standing right beside him. We made awkward eye contact. I felt obligated to just nod awkwardly, "Hey Violet."

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