Capter 21

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Marlee's POV

By the end of the party their was hardly anyone left. Most people had either passed out in a spare bedroom or left to head home. I helped mum tidy up the kitchen as Harry walked around gathering empty cups and containers.

I managed to stay away from James the whole night. I could see him starring at me a few times but I'm glad he chose to not come bother me. I could only imagine the way Harry would of acted if he had of tried to ignite a conversation with me.

I felt hands run up and over my bare shoulders. The warmth tingling my skin as I sunk back towards Harry.

"I think we should go to bed." His voice was light as he whispered into my ear. My head nodding lightly as I wiped my hands on the towel next to me.
After saying goodnight to my mum and the few guests that were sat around the table, we made our way upstairs. My shoes were off in a split second, followed closely by my dress. I picked up one of Harry's shirts from the floor and climbed into bed.
It had been a long day and I couldn't think of anything better then going to sleep right now.

"Did you enjoy your night baby?" I looked towards Harry as he pulled his shirt for his shoulders, he pants following in a close second.

"Yeah I did babe. Did you?" My voice was getting quieter as my eyes started to close. The long day we've had finally catching up to me.

"Every night spent with you is enjoyable." My laughter was heard from his cheesiness as I cuddled up beside him.

"You're such a cheeseball." I turned my head to look up at him as his arms wrapped around me tighter.

"Yeah I am. But I'm your cheeseball." He winked and leaned down to kiss me.

"You've got that right baby. Now go to sleep, goodnight." I kissed his lips again, cuddling closer to him if that was possible.

"Goodnight darling, I love you." He kissed my forehead lightly as I sighed.

"I love you too."


We woke up early the next morning. Harry had been awake before me and gone down to make us both a coffee before returning to the confines of the bed. I was to comfy to get up fully but I knew we had to. We were leaving to go to Harry's mums house today and even though the trip was only around two hours, we wanted to get there before afternoon.

"I think you should pack our bags." I smiled over at Harry as I spoke my thoughts. I had been the one to pack for both of us before we left, it seemed only fair he could repack now.

"Mm I don't think so baby." He looked up from his phone, his eyes meeting mine. "I think you should do it."

His coffee was placed to the side as he locked his phone. His large hand running up the expanse of my thigh that was uncovered by the blanket.

"I packed when we left, it's fair if you do it now." He tired to distract me with his hands but it wasn't going to happen.

"How about this. If you pack now, when we get to mums I'll give you a massage, how does that sound baby?" His smirk was obvious as he leaned in to kiss me. He knew my weakness was massages, that was obvious. There was something about his large hands running over my back that I found extremely comforting. The way my skin tingles under his warm touch sending chills everywhere.

"That's not fair." I pouted at him as he laughed, kissing my pouted lips lightly.

"So that's a yes then?" He laughed again as I nodded, my weakness taking over my need to not have to pack. "I know you to well, I know all you weaknesses babe." He winked and sighed as I pushed his chest.

"Go away." I laughed as I hopped out of bed. My coffee being sat in the bedside table. "What are you wearing today?" My eyes scanned over my own clothes as I chose a pair of jeans with a knit jumper.

"Um, probably just my jeans and a shirt." I nodded without looking up at him, knowing he'd be looking at me anyway. "Oh and a jumper too, it's a bit chilly out today." I nodded again as I stood with both our clothes in my hands.

"I'm going to shower." I grabbed my towel and clothes and headed towards the door. "Are you coming?" The smile was obvious on his face as he jumped from the bed, grabbing his own supplies as he followed closely behind me.

"What a stupid question baby." I laughed as he pinched my behind. Closing the door behind us as he grabbed hold of the back of my neck. Our lips meeting as we undressed each other.


After our shower we returned to my old bedroom. I continued packing as Harry went to speak to Lou. Eleanor came in not long after complaining about the boys bantering as she helped me fold a few clothes.

Fifteen minutes later we were done. We both pulled the bags out into the hallway and I called for Harry who, with the help of Louis, carried both our bags down and threw into the car.
Minutes later we were sat at the kitchen counter eating the breakfast mum had prepared.

"I'll miss you guys when your all gone again." Mum smiled at the four of us as we sat and ate slowly.

"We'll miss you too mum, but you'll be joining us on tour in a couple of months so we won't be separated for long." Louis voice made me smile. We had decided to surprise mum by inviting her to come join us on tour durning the girls school holidays. We'd be in New York then and she had always spoke about going there when we were growing up.

"I know! I'm so excited to come experience life on the road." We laughed at her excitement and continued small talk as we ate.

When we had finished eating we all helped clean up before we started our goodbyes.
Lou and El were staying for a couple more days, I would of loved to stay too but I knew how much Harry wanted to see his mum and a part of me wanted to see her too.

"I'll see you soon mum and I'll call you tonight okay." I smiled as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Of course honey, drive safe okay?"

"Always" I laughed as I moved along to say goodbye to Lou and El, changing placed with Harry in the process.

After ten minutes of goodbyes Harry and I were sat in his car. The music was set on low as he backed out of the driveway. He tooted his horn as we waved goodbye and set off down the road.

"I love you." I smiled over at Harry, his hand already placed on my thigh as I held it tightly.

"I love you too baby." I squeezed his hand as we started the two hour journey ahead of us.


Hey guys!! So I'm back and determined to finish this story! But please bear with me. I only have 3 weeks left of school and then I'm done forever, which is scary as hell. I'll be updating as much as I can, the next update will probably be Wednesday after I hand in my major photography project because I need to finish off that first, but I'll be as quick as I can!!
I've spent the last few hours going back and editing all the previous chapters and fixing all my mistakes which, shamefully, there was a lot of.
I thank you all for the reads which is about 19,000 of them!! That is just unbelievable!!
I hope you enjoy the update, let me know how it is and I'll update as soon as I can!!

-Courtney xo

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