Chapter 22

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Marlee's POV

"Do you want anything while I'm paying? Snacks or a drink maybe?" I poked my head out of the open window, Harry's head coming into view as I watch him pump gas into the car.

"I drink would be lovely thanks babe." I smiled as he nodded his head, blowing him a kiss as he put the pump back into it's place.

"Anything in particular?" I shook my head, Harry giving me a short nod and a wink as he walked inside to pay for the gas.

I sat in the car waiting for Harry's return. While scrolling through Instagram I decided to post a picture that was taken at the party at mums the other night. It was of Harry, Lou and myself. Me being in the middle as Harry kissed my check and Louis made a face that showed disgust, you could see the humour behind his eyes though. It was probably my favourite photo of the three of us to date.

Shortly after I posted it Harry open the door to the car. A plastic bag filled with chips, lollies, and some drinks.

"I thought I'd get a bit peckish while driving." I shook my head and softly laughed as he handed me the bag of goods. "I got you sprite, is that okay?"

"Perfect babe, thank you." I looked towards him as he started the car. The side view of his face being shown. His jaw was tense as he concentrated on getting us back onto the highway. His eyes were squinted slightly as the sun came through the grey clouds above. His hair that was now to his shoulders, was put back into a bun atop his head. He looked effortlessly flawless.

"You know, I heard that if you take a picture it lasts longer." His lips turned into a smirk as I realised I was caught while starring. His eyes briefly falling on me has he laughed a little.

"Oh yeah? I've never heard that actually." I took my phone from my lap and snapped a picture of him as he laughed again. "But maybe I'll give it ago." I smiled as I looked at the picture I had taken, placing my phone back in my lap.

"Can you put a different song on please babe." I picked up Harry's phone that was sitting in the console between us, scrolling through his songs until I settled on one we would both be content with. Harry noticed it straight away and started to softly sing, myself leaning over and turning the music down so I could listen to his own voice.


I slowly opened my eyes. Harry's hand was rubbing my thigh as the view of his home town was seen.

"How long was I asleep for?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up in my seat.

"Not long, maybe half hour. I didn't want to wake you, you looked cute." I laughed as a small yawn escaped my lips, Harry looking over at me before smirking and focusing back in the road.

"What are you smirking about." I turned so I was looking at him, his smirk becoming more prominent.

"I was just thinking." I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Oh yeah, about what?" I raised an eyebrow at him as he once again glanced at me.

"Just about how much I love you." I laughed at his words, my hand moving over to grab his.

"Lucky I love you too, right." I lifted his hand up to my mouth, placing a small kiss along his knuckles as I sneezed it.

"Probably the luckiest man alive baby." He smiled as he gave my small hand a slight sneeze back. "We're almost home, I can't wait to see Mum and Gem again."

His smile brightened at the mention of his mum and sister. His smile bringing my own across my face as I watched his eyes light up.

"I'm sure they've missed you just as much as you've missed them. Maybe even more knowing your mum." We both laughed at my words, knowing I was telling the truth.

"I messaged mum when we left the gas station, she said she's already starting on dinner. Gosh I've missed her cooking so much." At the mention of food my stomach rumbled a little bit making Harry glance over my way. "I guess you've missed her cooking too?"

I sighed as I nodded my head yes. I hadn't been home to Anne's for a while. Not since I last visited Louis about eight months ago. I had spoken to her a few times, but I had missed her bubbly personality and her amazing cooking.

As I say and thought about the times I'd had with Anne we started going up the long driveway leading to her beautiful home. She had planted rows of rose bushes along both sides of the driveway, the bright white standing out under the dim clouds as we ended our drive. Harry stopped the car and looked over at me.

"Here we go." He leaned over and briefly placed his lips on mine before we both jumped out of the car. Not even a second after placing both feet on the ground, I heard the front door being opened followed by a pair of footsteps as Anne came running out of her home.

"Oh Harry, Marlee its been far to long!" Harry was pulled into a hug first as his mother squeezed him. The smiles on both of their faces as they hugged for the first time in what seemed like forever.

I was pulled in next, a second after Anne had let go of her son I was in her arms. Her strength something Harry gets from her as her arms tightened even more around me.

"Gosh Marls, it's been to long sweetie!" I laughed as we pulled away, Anne giving me a quick kiss on the check as I do the same to her. "Quick come, come I'll start making lunch while the two of you unpack."

Both Harry and I make our way to the boot of his car, Harry pulling the biggest bags out for himself to carry and leaving the two small ones for me after I refused to let him do it himself.

We walked through the front door and up the stairs into Harry's room. The navy blue walls and dark furniture coming into view as I walk in and put the bags on the bed. Harry placed his two bags under the window before coming and joining me on the bed.

"I think I need to go back to sleep." He pushed the bags onto the floor as he laid back on the bed, pulling me down with him after I kicked off my shoes.

"Your mother will come looking for us if we don't go down soon." I snuggled close to his side as I rested my head onto his shoulder. Harry's arms wrapping around my waist as his cold nose nudged into my neck.
I giggled as he lightly kissed my neck, the small movement making me ticklish.

I pulled his face towards my own so I could kiss him properly. Our lips meeting in a soft kiss. His hands moved across my hips as he pulled me on top of him, my legs straddling his waist as I leaned down to continue the kiss.

I pulled back from him as his hands started to trail up my back, slowly lifting my shirt and jumper to reveal my soft skin.

"We should go have lunch, I'm starving." Harry's eyes closed at my words as he hummed, neither of us making a move to get up.

My head rested onto his chest, moving slowly to place soft kisses to his chest before sitting up fully and removing myself for the tempting boy that was beneath me.

"Let's go buttercup." I pulled at Harry's hands as he slowly sat up, one hand being removed from mine to rub his eyes. "We can have a nap after we eat."

Harry stood up, reaching over to kiss my lips as our hands tangled tighter and we made our way down stairs to eat.


I'm so sorry for the wait! I've been so busy lately, I just finished school which means I now only have my HSC exams (I live in Australia btw so the education systems are different) to complete and then I'm done forever which is extremely scary! I'll be studying for them over the next few weeks until I'm done so please continue to be patient with my slow updates!
I love you all and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the story so far :) xo

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