Chapter 9

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Hey, so sorry about the wait! I've been so busy and haven't had the time, nor energy to write!

But here's Chapter 9 :) Enjoy xx


Marlee's POV

I took a seat on the picnic blanket Harry had laid out. He followed quickly behind, taking a seat to the left. I started fiddling with my fingers, this shouldn't be so hard we're best friends for gods sake.

"Look Marlee, I know your angry and hurt and so many other adjectives but I truly am sorry. I saw you with Niall and I don't know I just got jealous?" I looked up at him with a confused expression playing on my face. "Look I'm just going to come out and say everything that's on my mind okay?"

"Okay" I looked straight into his eyes as he began talking, his green eyes sparkling with so many emotions.

"Marlee I am honestly so sorry, I saw you with Niall and I just got so jealous. I know I shouldn't of been I mean I'm your my bestfriend, but I was. And you know why? It's because I am utterly and completely in love with you. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about something you enjoy, or the way you play around with Lou, you absolutely adore your older brother, or the way you are with Lux, that child loves you more than anything in the world. Or the way when your thinking about something serious you bite your bottom lip or when your listening to music you move your head along with the beat and you get so into it you don't even notice everyone's looking at you like your some silly teenager. I just love you Marlee. And I don't even mind if you don't share the same feelings because at leats I can keep going knowing I tried and didn't give up. That's about it Marlee, I love you"

I looked at him like he had grown another two heads, he's probably waiting for me to say something or do something but I am honestly to shocked to move. Louis was saying all along that Harry had a thing for me but I was to blind to see it. I looked straight past the signs thinking that it was absurd that my bestfriend would be in love with me.

It felt like hours until I made a move. I didn't know what to do, but I did the first thing that came to mind. I leant in and kissed him. I kissed him with so much force and passion and love that it hurt. My lips forcefully pressed to his and moved in sync, it wasn't until I was lacking air that I pulled back. My hands still placed on his shoulders, his both on my waist has we looked into each others eyes.

There was a calm silence brought between us, both of us taking in the look of each others eyes, thinking like we'd never see each other again. But if I had it my way, I would see Harry every day for the rest of my life.

Harry's POV

I sat looking into he icy blue eyes. I was in a sate of shock. I didn't know what to do.

A smirk formed on my lips as I leant forward placing kisses all over her face. Her laughter brought me back to reality as I pushed her back and laid with my legs either side her thighs, my arms holding me above her while our noses rubbed up against each other.

"I love you too Harry" She whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. I almost missed it but when I realised what she said and an unmissable smile formed on my lips. I just knew both my dimples were showing, my face hurting from the big grin that had formed its way there.

"I will never get tired of hearing that" I smiled down at her, a look of admiration on her face. "And I plan on hearing it every day, for the rest of my life."


So I hope that's okay, once again sorry about the wait!

Also please comment!!! I get about one comment a chapter so thank you to that one person, but I would really appreciate more :(

Until next time, goodbye :) -Courtney xx

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