Chapter 13

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Marlee's POV

I was woken from my slumber by my phone ringing. I groaned rolling over to the side and picking It up.

"Hello" My voice was groggy as I talked through the speaker.

"Good Moring Marlee Moo" I heard the overly cheery voice of my mother on the other end. She seriously could not be this happy at 8:45am. "So I was calling to say that a little someone told me that you and Harry had gotten together, I must say I'm quite hurt that you haven't told me yourself dearie." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry mum, we've just been so busy and enjoying the fact that we have each other that it slipped my mind to ring you, with the move and then this happening, getting the new job. It's all been so much"

"It's alright Moo, but I expect details, spill" I laughed lightly, my mother always being one for gossip, wether it be about her own child or simply someone from her hair salon.

I spent the next hour talking to her, having left the room and going to the kitchen so I didn't wake Harry. When we finally got off the phone I decided I would make breakfast for everyone. I just knew they'd all be grumpy today, most of them suffering major hangovers.

I grabbed all the ingredients and different measuring spoons and jugs, as well as a mixing bowl. I started mixing everything to make pancakes and before I knew it I had a stack next to me and still half the bowl left.

After I made the pancakes I cut up a range of differ fruits, placing them on a small platter for everyone to pick off and also made fresh juice, as well as putting the kettle on for cups of tea.

I was just cleaning up my mess from cooking when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning beautiful" I smiled as the groggy voice whispered in my ear.

"Good morning babe" I twisted round, lightly kissing his lips.

"Why weren't you in bed when I woke up?" His confusion was cute, he eyebrows pulled together, teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

"Mum called, she heard about me and you, wanted to know the details." I laughed lightly pulling his arms from around me and continuing my cleaning. "And then I decided to make breakfast for everyone, I'm guessing they'll start coming down soon and they will be hungry"

"Always the thoughtful one" Harry winked at me, slapping my with a near by tea towel before proceeding to fix a plate of food for himself. "So I've been thinking.."

"Oh? That's not a good sign" I winked over at him, Harry playfully glaring at me before I motioned for him to continue.

"Before we go on tour again would you like to come and see my mum with me? I want to see her before we leave and I thought me and you could have our own little get away before having to live in a tour bus with 4 other guys for months?" I smiled over at him.

"That would be great, I want to see mum before I go to, I think me and Louis were going to go up and see her in the next few days, but after that I'm all yours?"

"Sounds great baby, now come eat" He winked at me and I grabbed a plate, then proceeded to take a seat next to him.


Within the next half hour the kitchen was filled with hungover unhappy people, all groaning because of their headaches but then also being happy because they had food in front of them.

"I'm never drinking again" That comment came from Louis and I looked at him, laughing slightly.

"How many times have we heard that one Lou?" I winked as he playfully glared at me.

"You're right, how can one give up something as great as alcohol" He winked back at me before continuing to eat. "I was thinking we could leave for mums tomorrow Moo?" I looked back over at Louis, making a disgusted face has he grinned at me with his mouth full.

"Sounds great buddy" I smiled over at him, getting past the fact he still had food between his teeth.

"I'm taking El, so I guess Harry can come to, yeah?" He winked over towards his best mate. Harry rolling his eyes at him.

"Sounds great, because after that me and Marlee are leaving to go visit my mum" Harrys voice startled me, I wasn't aware he had gotten so close to me.

"Well, looks like we all have plans then, it's settled" We smiled at each other, going back to our individual conversations.


We had all settled into the living room, except Niall who had gone back to bed after eating, being the one who had suffered the most from drinking. We were watching a movie, me not really paying attention. I was to distracted by the fact Harry's large hands were roaming on my thigh. Going higher then he normally would before I would slap his hand away, earning a slight chuckle from him.

"Do you wanna go do something baby?" His rough voice whispered in my ear.

"Like what?' I turned so my head was facing his, keeping my voice low so I wouldn't distract the others.

"I don't know, anything. Shopping maybe?' I smiled and nodded and we stood up saying goodbye to everyone and walking to our rooms to get changed.

I had changed into a pair of light wash skinny jeans, a black knitted jumper over my top half and black converses on my feet. I met Harry at his car, him opening the door for me as I jumped in.

"Where to first ma 'lady?" he looked over towards my before turning his attention to the road.

"How about a coffee shop, I could go for a warm beverage?"

"Starbucks it is then" and with that Harry took a right turn, one of his hands resting on my thigh, his thumb rubbing circles lazily while we headed towards the nearest Starbucks.


Here's another chapter :)

I really want at least one person to comment, that's all I ask for, please can someone comment? I hate not knowing what you guys think :(

But until next time, adios :) xx

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