Chapter 8

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What's this, another update?! *GASP*, jokes guys, jokes.

SO I'm going to continue this fanfic (Obviously), but in order for me to do that, I would reallllllly like you guys to comment and tell me if this is any good, or otherwise I won't continue...because I really need your input so this story can be amazinggggg!

But yeah, that's about it...SO here's chapter 8 :)


Marlee's POV

Its been a week since I've been here. The boys have stared rehearsals for the Take Me Home tour and me, El and Danni have been hanging out a lot while they're gone. I haven't talked to Harry since we went to the club on my first day here, which it probably a record with us. We use to talk everyday, not matter what. Now its like we don't even know each other.

I walk into the lounge room, a fresh bowel of popcorn in my hands. When I reach the couch I grab the remote off the table and press play on the movie I've been watching before sitting down on the clean leather lounge.

I watch the screen as the film "The Notebook" plays and I try to forget about the drama I call my life. Everything was going so well up until I moved here. Harry and I always talked, I was with my bestfriend, Audrey, school was going great up until I graduated and my life was perfect. But now everything has changed. Me and Harry haven't spoken, Audrey has gone to Australia to visit family and I hardly hear from her, schools obviously over for me, and my life has turned upside down.

I was brought out of my daydream by the front door slamming shut, I sat up on the lounge and looked over towards the doorway, just in time to see a mop of curls disappear from my view. I guess Harry's home.

Harry's POV

I walked inside my bedroom, ok let me rephrase that, I ran inside my bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me and made my way into my closet. I've been at rehearsals all day and the boys helped me come up with a plan to get Marlee to talk to me again. All I now have to do is get changed, go to my 'secret' location (As Niall called it) and wait until Louis gets Marlee to show up. After that, its up to me. I really hope everything goes to plan.


I sat on the small picnic blanket that was placed on the ground, picking up small pieces of dark green grass and putting them into small piles before knocking them over again. Marlee should be here by now. Unless Louis didn't convince her to come, which would really suck. All I want to do is talk to her again, make her laugh, make her smile and hear her voice. Its been a week, that's the longest we have ever gone without talking to each other.

I looked up as I heard a stick being stepped on and I saw Marlee standing there looking as beautiful as ever. She was wearing blue skinny jeans and a black V-neck shirt with a pair of black converses. She looked amazing, even dressed as simple as she was.

I stood up after giving her a head to toe look and slowly walked towards her. She shifted her gaze to the ground and my heart sank. She couldn't even look at me. My thumb and forefinger hooked under her chin and I forced her eyes to look into mine.

"Hi" was all that could come out of my mouth as her sparkling blue eyes looked into my own, dull green ones.

"Hi" was all she whispered back before focussing her gaze back to the ground.

"Would you like to come and sit with me?" I hoped she would at least sit down, that way I wouldn't have to worry about her running off. She nodded and slowly walked behind me towards the blanket. I watched as she sat down with her legs crossed, as she fiddled with he fingers. Getting her to talk will be harder then I first thought.


So that was short, sorry. But I wanted to update again and I start back to school tomorrow :(

Hopefully I will update tomorrow, if not it will be on Wednesday!

DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT PLEASE!!! I'll talk to you guys later :)

-Courtney xx

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