Chapter 11

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Marlee's POV

It had been a month since Harry and I had admitted that we loved each other, life has been going perfect and I love every moment I get to be with him. He had so far taken me on two dates, both had been extremely romantic and cheesy, much to my love. On the first occasion he came to realise I hated surprises so the next time round he told me where we were going and what we were going to do.

I was currently sitting on my window sill, book in hand, a mug of tea next to me. The boys had been out at a meeting this morning and were yet to come back, but we agreed we'd have a small get together tonight, consisting of a couple of rounds of beer, a few movies and cliché games, such as truth or dare.

My glasses were sat on the bridge of my nose, my finger coming up every now and again as they fell down. My contacts had suffered the washing machine, I realised I had left them in my pocket when it was to late and I've been to lazy to go and get new ones.

I was interrupted by the door opening, a slight knock heard as it swung open further showing a mop of unruly curly hair followed by a cheeky grin as Harry walked in, slowly closing the door behind him.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting up here alone?" I smiled has I folded the corner of my book down, closing it and sitting beside me.

"Trying to read, but I've been interrupted by some loser with curly hair." I laughed lightly has he brought his hand up to cover his heart in mock horror.

"How dare you, do I need to come and attack you?" A loud bubble of laughter escaped my lips as he came walking towards me, throwing me over his shoulder and trowing my on the bed, crawling over the top me.

"Have I ever told you, you look quite sexy in glasses?" The question was whispered between the space of our lips, my head shaking no as his lips connected with mine in a slow, yet romantic passionate kiss.

When we parted Harry had a small smirk on his face, one that matched mine. He rolled to the left landing next to me. I straddled his lap and he lifted his legs so they were bent at the knees, my back resting on them while I played with his hands.

"What time are all the lads coming round?" I questioned, looking up at his face.

"I don't know, 5 maybe? It's 3 now so we have at least 2 hours to kill" I shook my head laughing as he winked at me.

"I think we should sleep?" my statement sounded more like a question and Harry pulled me down and into his arms as he nuzzled his head into my neck.

"Goodnight gorgeous" I smiled turning and kissing his lips.

"goodnight baby"


Harry's POV

I was content with just laying with Marlee wrapped in my arms, it was nearly 5 but I didn't want to wake her, if the lads were here they were being abnormally silent.

I laid looking at the ceiling, my mind wondering to different things. I had to ring my mother soon, I haven't spoken to her for about a week and I miss her. Maybe before we go on tour I'll take Marlee to go see her. I knew how much mum adored her, almost has much as me. Almost.

There was a knock at the door and without me answering with a 'come in' Louis walked in, a small smile on his face.

"Hey mate" He greeted.

"Hi" I said back smiling towards him.

"How longs she been out for?" he questioned, his gaze turning to the sleeping beauty in my arms.

"About 2 hours now" he simply nodded in response.

"Well the boys will be here soon, just a warning, yeah?"

"Yeah I know, I was just thinking about waking her so she could get ready for their arrival" he nodded at me looking around slightly "Is there anything else mate?" I lightly laughed has he gaze snapped back to me.

"I just need to talk to you later okay?" I gave him a questioning look, but he was quick to walk out the door, leaving me to worry about what he wanted to talk about.


Hiiiiiiiiiiii, I wonder what Louis needs to talk to Harry about? :O

So I went to the wax museum yesterday and saw the boys! I also got a cardboard cut out of Harry and Niall :') (They were out of Liam, Louis and Zayn :/). But I had fun and my photo with them is quite funny ;D

Anywayyy, please comment and vote it would be amazing, Thank you for reading :) xx

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