Chapter #2

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It was my second day in the NGO when I noticed him. As it had been forever in the normal world, or in my school or college, everyone saw me with pitiful glances that I couldn't speak. They treated me like I was a small baby who needed help for doing anything and everything. But that was never the case!

Yes I had to write down the address for the auto walas to understand where I was going and I did need someone to tag along with me in the bus, otherwise I was fine going and hopping around the city alone. I could do as I please, I could see and hear as I did, there was no problem in me leading a normal life, just because I was mute.

In the NGO, people treated me as a normal human being. They didn't give me pitiful glances, even I had to hear an earful of scolding from my senior on the first day itself, and for some reason I liked it. He didn't not shout at me because I couldn't speak back. The thought made me smile.

"That's Aryan," Said Riya, who was my colleague, "He joined here two months ago."

She was one of those who understood my sign language, since she was in care of dumb and deaf children as well, like me. I was a specialist in that since I was experienced about the way it was. Partially but I knew what they needed, because I didn't have to assume anything.

He is handsome ; I indicated Riya with my language while she giggled, and making me giggle, soundlessly as well.

Aryan was a year or two older than me that was what I got to know. Nobody spoke much about him throughout the day and we all became busy in our own work.

In the evening, I was walking in the NGO garden, looking at the children play. I was their caretaker, and in the work of making them learn the way of communication. Teaching them how to speak, how to convey what one felt, because they were kids of ages 3 to around 7.

That was when someone came and bumped against me, and the papers that were in his hands, fell down on the ground scattering all over.

I and he bent down at the same time, bundling all the papers, as I handed the ones with me again over to him.

He held the papers, and nodded at me, while I smiled back. It was the same guy, Aryan.

Sorry; he said in sign language with his fingers making me frown. Did he know me? That I couldn't speak? Would he also show me the same pity that most people around me showed to me?

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out of them other than a hush tone, then he scratched his nape, looking at the ground and then at me. Maybe he didn't know how to say whatever he wanted to tell me? So I took the initiative and since he knew sign language I smiled at him.

It's okay; I indicated him a smile, and he smiled back. Aryan had beautiful expressive eyes, his eyes were big and they were a beautiful hazel in colour. Just like mine.

I can hear; He smiled at me, while I looked shocked at him for a moment. Couldn't he speak as well?

I cannot speak; I shook my head in negative, looking at him again as soon as I stopped my fingers from moving. He looked at me with an expression I'd never ever experienced in my lifetime. What did he want to say? I couldn't guess looking at his eyes.

I can't as well; he indicated finally and looked at his watch and a sigh left his mouth.

Nice to meet you; I said to him, while he smiled at me and nodded.

See you around; he left with those initials made in the air trailing in my mind.

He was a square jawed guy, with beautiful eyes, and hair which was not cut in a while, and thus they covered almost his whole forehead. But for me, those eyes those spoke volumes, made me feel an instant connection with him, maybe because we both weren't gifted with the power of voice.


I just hope you guys are liking the story, well since I didn't get a response of much. It's just another story of two people without voice, and what their life showed them.

I promise to be regular, as much as possible, since school with Science-stream in India is a pretty hectic and tough job ._. *phew* Anyway!

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Dee ♥

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