Chapter #4

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The next two days, we had alternate shifts and although he had gestured me to wait after my shift ended, just when I did, his shift would begin, making both of us restless at times. Get a grip on yourself Piya! He doesn't even know your name yet!

I always used to scold myself, but well that didn't work.

Three days later, I sat on the same bench as him, and kept looking at the tree at which he'd indicated at, making me wonder what was so amusing in it. That was when again a hand tapped my shoulder, and I looked back at Aryan smiling down at me as he came and took his seat beside me.

I saw him holding the guitar in his hand, making me frown a little at him.

It was a beautiful autumn evening, and the wind was the most soothing thing along with the slight crunch of the leaves that could be heard around. I held my hair and clipped it back together to prevent it from making a ruckus, and he laughed at my antics.

Well, at least he had the vocal cord to make some sound.

I didn't even have that.

Though the feeling only made me feel safe and giddy with happiness that he had some kind of voice.

I surged to poke at his guitar, and he made a weird expression so I pulled my hand back.

What? ; I asked, tilting my head to look at his face properly, and his smile appeared again.

I love this; he answered showing his guitar, and holding it so close to himself as if it was a small baby, and needed the utmost care.

I giggled.

It's pretty; I answered looking at the silver and auburn colour of the guitar and grinned wide when he started playing a beautiful soothing tone on the strings of it. Like the autumn had got its own new colour, the colour of the silver moonlight that glistened from every corner of the surroundings that were around us.

I loved playing and thinking words. I couldn't help doing it, because speaking then wasn't my choice. So I thought them, read of them and wrote them.

Aryan's music made me realize that his guitar meant the same to him, as these as words meant to me. We both loved them dearly, because they were something which belonged to us and didn't ask for anything in return while we are happy cherishing them.

I indicated him to give me his hand, and though he frowned a bit, without any other signs he passed me his arm. I grabbed the pen in my jean's pocket, and wrote on his palm 'Piya'. He studied the name for just a second, and took the pen from my hand, and wrote his name on my palm, 'Aryan'.

We both looked back into each other's face and smiled. So he'd thought I didn't know his name as well, but that didn't matter now. He'd told it to me for the first time.

What did you want to show? ; I signaled him, and played patterns of words on my forefingers, pointing towards the big tree.

Come; he tugged my arm, with one slight poke, and I was there, walking hand in hand with him, until we came and stood under the tree with the winds playing a whistling music all around us.

He pointed upwards, and I looked up to see hundreds of birds, and nests there in the middle of the tree chirping tunes, that could be heard from the bench as well. But looking at the beauty f hundreds of birds sitting there, singing songs of the dusk to bade each other goodbyes, or just for their own 'bird' time, with the wind blowing overhead made the fact so beautiful, the ambience so beautiful that a little teardrop slipped.

I hadn't noticed the warmth, until Aryan's fingers gently swiped away the little drop, and he grinned at me widely.

I gestured him a thank you, to which he bend down and faked a 'you're welcome' pose, making me grin at him as well. That was the beginning of our story, as soul mates, because we knew, we had already bonded somewhere, where words couldn't even describe existence.


I'm heartbroken by the response. Literally. :( I might not be a Oh-so-amazing writer, I know I'm an amateur one, but that's the reason I want you guys to vote and comment! Let me know my flaws, or just what you feel about the track and plot anything so that I can improve. Just Please! A earnest request from this almost 16-year old girl :( ! 

And, taddaaaa! I updated! Like from Thursday I have my exams, and its Monday and the pressure is HUGE. I'm dying here *sobs* But still I updated for you guys (and of course for me as well) :P You can hope another update to come, only after next monday. Let me just get over with my Physics exam :3 I don't even know what's gonna happen! 

Oppss! That was a pretty huge A/N. :P Sorry! Anyways, just consider my request once? Yea? Thankieee! :D 

Dee ♥  

p.s. Anyone who knows my real name out there, among the readers? xD  

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