(A/N: I really feel like the song jet black heart goes really well with this book like its brinley saying it plus it's an amazing song!)
~Brinleys POV
When I got home I felt a sudden prang of the past, so I did what I would normally do and pulled out the letter I grabbed everything else that I needed and left as I knew he would be home soon. The letter was the only thing that kept me sane for the first year, it gave me the closure that I needed, I was young when I received the letter but it gave me the maturity that I needed. I was already mature before I should have been and I'm not sure whether it was a good or a bad thing. The past never really came back to me that often but suddenly it was, everything was happening at once and all started when he didn't shift under my stare and I still haven't quite understood why that's made me change. I started to read the letter as I sat down in the park, whenever I read it I could feel it gave me the ability to feel. It reminded me of how it felt to feel everything and I think it gave me the power,
Dear Brinley the sunshine to my day,
Brinley, I hope you find this letter I'm coming to think I'm near the end. I gave you so much responsibility and you had to mature at suck a young age, I don't know how to tell you how proud I am you are a the strongest sweetest girl I know. You'll be nine soon and I hate to have to say this but I may not make it, I don't think my health or situation will help.
I wish you knew a time before this a time when your dad was a loving man but something snapped in him. There's no way to sugar coat anything that we've been through. I need you to stay safe Brinley I need you to be the strong girl I know you are. Please, stay away from pain, trouble and stay with people who love you. Don't listen to what he says as you are the perfect child you'll do anything to make someone happy and you deserve to be happy.
There's no way I can assure you remember me but I hope you do I hope you remember the happy things me and you did. There may only be a few but I tried my best beautiful. I hope you read this Brinley, don't let him touch you stand up for yourself stay safe and escape the trap I brought you into. I'm so sorry Brinley I love you more than anything in the world. I know you may have never felt it but I did.
Keep this letter Brinley, there's more to this letter than just to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of how strong you are Brinley when you turn eighteen there is an account that will open. You'll be able to escape your father and be free I'll leave the details below.
Brinley remember to survive, I know you can I love you so much. Don't let him touch you and be brave. Stay away from bad people and look after yourself.
From your mum, with all the love in my heart. I hate myself for having to write this but I'm afraid it had to be done.♡
A tear fell down my face as I remembered the sounds I would hear from downstairs, screams, cries and yells for help and all I would do is sit in my room crying not being able to help her. She's the only person I've ever been able to love and the only person that would love me, she gave me belief, belief that everything would be okay. A little like a feel when I'm with him.... I shook my head trying to get the thought out of my head but I couldn't.
Again I felt myself reaching for my phone even though I didn't want to I couldn't help it, there were still teas in my eyes and I couldn't help but to keep sniffling. My body was shaking since it was quite late at night and you could see my breathe as I started to type my message,
"Brinley?" A voice questioned behind me and I quickly jumped turning around,
"Oh um hi why you here?"
"Are you crying?"
"Why are you here?"
"I asked a question Brinley,"
Fanfiction"You can't feel can you," "There are no words," "Why," "I can't feel,"