Yes, I know the last bit of Chapter 16 was factually incorrect. I'll be working on fixing that.
But hey! We've come a long way.
Chance almost has a 1000 reads! This is really unprecedented because I never thought something like this could happen to a commoner like myself. All this was, was a story on the top of my head that I felt I should pen down. This is crazy.
Thank you, people.
PS. Some great twists are coming your way. ;)
PPS. For some great (or so I'd like to think) stories you should check out my other book called I Am Here and also my poetry books A Whimsical Attribute as well as First Fall From Grace.
Cake out.

RomansaAdam knew from the minute he entered the blue door that the room belonged to somebody he'd love to know. Too bad it was the person he, never in a billion years would have expected. Walk in Adam and Sylver's shoes in their insane journey from getting...