Adam was on the floor when Sylver came into the room. He was frantically scratching the carpet, as if trying to dig his way out. His eyes were painted with terror and his face glistening in sweat.
"Hey. Hey! Adam Brown?! I'm back!"
One look at her, and he broke down.
He repeatedly said he was sorry. Sylver's face was adorned with jewels of worry and calm. She was terrified of what they did to him. But she had to save him. She had to fight for him. She had to be strong for him.
"It's going to be okay. I'm going to make it better for you."
He looked at her. Now his eyes are bloodshot. He wasn't okay. She wasn't okay either.
"We have to go, Adam Brown."
He nodded softly.
"We have to go," he whispered.
Sylver stood up and helped him get in his feet.
He hadn't let go of her hand. It was hurting her a little, but she didn't say anything.
"Let's go."
Our things were already in my car. I had to leave with him. I had to quickly device a plan.
I had to think of a place to go to where we'd be safe. Where they wouldn't come to look for us. Where Adam Brown's sins would be washed away. A place where they don't consider him a sinner.
He couldn't be contained. He was having periodical fits. He was riding shotgun. He was crying. He couldn't comprehend his own condition. I don't know what made him into this.
"Hold on, tight. I'll make it better."
He started to claw at his arm. His arm was pink and soon it was cut and there was blood all over my car seat.
"Shit, Adam Brown."
I hurried to clean it up.
" me by my real name..Drew.." He descended into a series of coughs. And more blood was on my car seats.
I could feel a tear coming. And I knew.
I knew where we had to go.

RomanceAdam knew from the minute he entered the blue door that the room belonged to somebody he'd love to know. Too bad it was the person he, never in a billion years would have expected. Walk in Adam and Sylver's shoes in their insane journey from getting...