Week Five: Choreo

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"Oh man I'm so pumped." Lane says as we walk in the studio. We both start stretching out. Im hoping this week goes smoothly but I never know with Lyrical hip hop. It always pushes me which is good but man it's hard to get it as close to perfect as possible. Our choreographer walks in and and it's not just one. It's a female and a male.

"Alright I'm Tyson and this is Paige we are going to teach you the number together. Paige will be working with Cassandra and I will be working with you Lane. Let's show them the number." They turn on the music and I can already tell this is going to be a fun piece. They dance amazingly together. It looks amazing I only hope I can look as good as Paige does when I perform it.

"Let's start with some trust falls, from both of you." Tyson says. Lane and I both look at him like he is crazy.

"We saw both your auditions and they were amazing but we have also seen your previous numbers and there doesn't seem to be a lot of trust. In this number you are recently married so we need you to trust each other one hundred percent." Paige tells us and we start with just normal trust falls. I go first and I find my heart racing and I let myself fall. I squeeze my eyes close and Lane thankfully catches me.

"Oh come in Cassie have more faith in me."

"Sorry do you prefer Cassie over-"

"No it's Cassandra." I glare playfully at Lane. "He just does that to bug me." I tell them and they laugh nodding. Next I catch Lane and if I'm being honest he's heavier than I thought. We do this until we both are comfortable with it.

"Alright next level." They bring in a table and set it up. I watch confused as to what we are doing. I watch as Paige stands on the table and throws her body back and Tyson catches her. My mouth drops open.

"You have got to be kidding me! I can't do that!"

"Why not? Don't you trust me Cassie?"

"I don't think I trust that table." I tell them and both Paige and Tyson laugh.

"It's all good." Tyson says and in my head I'm like no it's actually not.

"Come on. Get up there." Paige points and I stare at her like she's insane. "You don't have to jump just fall first and when your comfortable jump." She tells me and my eyes widen. They are serious. I, with shaky legs, climb onto the table. I see Lane get into position as I walk towards the edge.

"You drop me and I'll kill you." I tell him before turning around. I take a deep breath and fall. I feel myself being caught and I look to see Lane smiling at me.

"I would never drop you Cassie." He says lowly to me. I practically jump out of his arms. I look towards Paige and Tyson.

"Again." Tyson says and I comply. We do this ten more times before I decide that I'm going to jump. I turn just like normal and take a breath I jump and hear Paige clapping her hands. I land in Lane's arms and he's smiling at me.

"Perfect!" Tyson laughs. "Now we are ready to get to work.


The next morning both Lane and I are in the studio stretching before Tyson and Paige get here. "I liked doing those trust stuff." Lane says.

"Really I found it terrifying." I tell him staring at the table that is now pushed up against the wall.

"It wasn't that bad."

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