Week Fourteen: Performance

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Saturday we all wake up and meet one last time at the lodge. According to Winter, Aaron, Simon and Lane its tradition with their group to meet there the last Saturday of the summer and spend the morning playing video games before everything gets intense. We pop in the newest super smash bros and of course Lane starts dominating. So I suggest playing the latest Mario Party and well Lane and I are now shouting at each other we are getting so competitive! Just as I'm about to beat Lane's but my phone buzzes.

From: Mom

Hey honey I'm just pulling up!

I jump out of my chair saying goodbye to everyone. I rush over towards the front of the camp to see a black Jeep pulling into a parking spot. My mom parks the car before rushing out of the vehicle! We run at each other hugging and I breath in the comforting smell that is my mother. I don't know why but I'm crying probably from missing her so much.

We pull back and I see she is crying as well. "Cassandra look at you! Your so toned and smaller than I remember." She says and I blush. Because every week we dance five days a week eight hours a day it's no wonder that I've lost some weight.

I lead her around the camp showing her all my favourite places before lastly showing her my dorm house. I introduce her to Tiffany and Winter and my mom instantly lives them both. I smile as we talk and I'm glad my mom approves of the friends I've made this summer. Around twelve thirty my mom excuses herself to go and get a spot in the auditorium for the competition.

"Okay girls so I got you both something." Winter tells us and pulls us into her room one last time. In her room I see three garment bags. Each one has a name on it and my eyes narrow on the one that says my name.

"What is this for?" Tiffany asks her fingers running along the seem on the bag that has her name.

"They are for after our performances but before the announce the winners." Winter tells us. Both Tiffany and I share a look before we pull her into a group hug. That was so nice of her to think of us.

We grab the bags with our names in them and head to the performance hall. We get back stage and time blurs. First I get my hair done then my makeup and then I'm shown my costume locker where both costumes and the bag Winter gave me are. I change into my first costume which is a beautiful black and white stripped dress with pink roses along the bottom part of the dress. I slip on the leggings underneath and the the converse. I head back stage and find Lane. We wait as the head director Mrs. Lampton welcomes the audience.

"The beginning of the summer we started off with thirty teenagers excited to learn, and full of ambition. Now this last week they all want to welcome you to their showcase. The numbers will be one after another with a short intermission. Please enjoy the show."

I get nervous waiting backstage. Instead of starting at the top numbers of last weeks list they start with fifteen and work their way forward. That means Lane and I are third last number for hip hop before the intermission and the third last number for contemporary.

I watch as dance after dance gets performed and realize that I didn't even get to know most of these people. I stuck with my own group of friends. I don't know what I would have done if Winter hadn't of been super friendly or Tiffany and I hadn't bonded in week four or if Lane hadn't asked me out week six or even taken me out week seven who knows what my summer would have been like? Over all yes it has been a hard summer but I have improved so much and grown so much as a person that I know if I wouldn't have come this summer I would have never gotten to be this more confident, proud person I am today. This camp hasn't been a cake walk or even remotely easy but it made me a better version of me and I don't think I could ask for anything better.

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