Welcome to Jurassic World.

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I woke up to the familiar sounds of dinosaurs in the distance and my wonderful cat, Sierra, was poking at my nose with her little paw informing me that she was hungry. As soon as she saw me open up my eyes, she meowed then licked my nose. "Ok, Sierra. You got my attention girl." I say as I get out of bed. 

I go over to the kitchen and open up her cat food bag and pour enough for her to eat. I checked the time. 5:45 on the dot. I made a quick breakfast and ate while watching the local news. I sipped the last of my coffee before heading for a shower.


As soon as I got out, I get a call from the highness her self. Aka, my best friend, Claire Dearing. 

"Hey girlie." I hear her say into my phone.

"Hey Claire. What's up?"  I say as I grab the keys to my Jeep that resembled the old Jurassic Park ones. Lowery and I had a hoot when Claire first saw it.

"Dr. Wu said he was impressed with the new raptor genes you made. He wants to fertilize some eggs and incubate them soon." Claire said.

"Really? That's awesome!" I yelled outside. We both did a little screech of excitement and continued to go towards my vehicle.


I finally reached the island. Although my parents were a little skeptical of me joining the one thing that scarred them forever, they were happy I was pursuing my dream and kinda falling in their footsteps. The first person I see as soon as I get off the ferry is the director herself. 

"Hello Dr. Grant. It's an honor to have you here. We have a cabin prepared to your liking near the lake. Hope you enjoy working with us. And welcome to Jurassic World." She said.

She wore her hair just above her shoulders and with perfect bangs across her forehead. She strutted in beige heels and a white getup that reminded me of the female version of my best friends grandfather, John Hammond. She was a little stuck up, but I had hope for her.


"He wants you to come in right away. I'll have Zara take Sierra to the pet daycare for you." she said.

"Thanks Claire. You're such a doll." I say as I start my car. We both hung up soon after and I went towards the lab. 

Meeting Claire was weird at first, but after I broke her shell and set her up on a date with Lowery, she became more loose and made working enjoyable.


I arrived to the lab, put my hair in a high ponytail, goggles, coat and gloves on, and entered the lab with my ID pass.

"Hello Dr. Grant." I heard my mentor say.

"Greetings Dr. Wu." I say. He does a chuckle then guides me to where the incubators are. 

"I have prepared the eggs for you already. All they need is fertilization and scanning." he says amused by my obvious excitement. I prepared the incubator to fertilize and stamp so I could scan them soon after.

"Only four?" I asked. I created 10 raptors total.

"Masrani wants to save the others for a future time." he replied coolly.

"Big boss says it goes, it goes." I say as I type in different codes into the file.

Soon after, my eggs are stamped, scanned, and ready to be cared for in the incubator.

"Morning gorgeous!" I heard Hoskins say. Although he could be a sleaze, he was actually pretty funny.

"Morning Hoskins." I replied.

"Getting some raptors ready for me?" 

"Just about. Why, what's up?" I say taking my black latex gloves off. 

"I want to have these raptors trained and further investigated for intelligence research. Masrani agrees with me." he replied.

"Do you have someone in mind?" 

"Big M hopes you have someone in mind being you have the dino parents." he says laughing afterwards.

"Haha, very funny." I say as I lightly hit his arm. Then I froze for a minute."I might actually know someone."

"Attagirl. Call em up. We'll set up in interview for Wednesday if they can comply with our schedule. I'll e-mail you the deets." He said just before he left.


"That doesn't look very scary."

<A/N: hehe I kinda changed the plot a little. made it interesting. am i the only one who thought of claire and lowery together? lol and my favorite "movie conspiracy" (can't think of any other word besides conspiracy sorry) is that owen was the little obnoxious boy from the original JP. so lets see where this goes.>

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