Splash Zone

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The indominus roar at us and we stand there shaking for what's to come. Blue snarls at her and the tension builds up. The monster is not happy at Blue's snarl and throws her to a wall. The other raptors screech at the beast, and Owen signals them t attack. Two of the raptors jump on the indominus and Claire, the boys, and I jump into a merchandise stand.

I hear Gray counting to himself as Owens gun is heard in the background.

"We need more." Gray says.

"More what?" Claire asks.

"Teeth. We need more teeth." he says. She gets up and grabs something from the first aid kit.

"Ok, so, just wait here. It's gunna be fine. Ellie, come with me. Zach, take care of your brother." She says.

I get up and follow her as she runs towards the employee walkways. I look over at Owen as he shoots at the indominus. I see the monster throw one of my raptors into a restaurant and see my creation go up in flames. I hold in a scream as Claire grabs my hand to hurry me up.

We run closer to the paddock doors and Claire busts out a walkie-talkie.

"Lowery, are you still there?" She yells into the device.

"Hey where are you?" he yells back.

"I need you to open paddock 9!" she says.

"Paddock 9? Claire what the hell?"I say as I catch up to her.

"Are you kidding?" he says.

We stop in front of paddock 9 and she looks over at the security camera.

"Damn it Lowery, just be a man and do something for once in your life." she says quickly.

"Why do you have to make it personal?" he whimpers out.

"Claire, are you sure about this?" I ask.

"Yes. Lowery open it up!" she says.

She throws the walkie talkie and the beeping starts to sound as the gates open. She hands me a flare and we both light them up as the gates open. The T-Rex starts to walk toward us and we run away.

-Gray's P.O.V.-

Zach and I sit in the stand as aunt Claire and Ellie leave.

"Zach, I'm scared." I say.

"Aunt Claire said it'll be fine." he reassures me.

I see a bright orange glow after the sound of a crash. Owen jumps into the stand ad puts a finger to his mouth to keep us quiet. I hear a growl and the indominus crashes into the stand. Owen gets in front of us as Zach and I scream.

"Try to stay as far back as possible!" Owen tells us.

We start to trow some of the stuff out of our way as we scoot back.

The indominus reaches in and starts to grab at us.

"Owen, please don't let me die" I say through sobs.

"Not today, bud." he says.

It's claw gets latched onto my fanny pack and I start to cry as I fear the worst. Zach helps it unlatch from me and my bag is taken away. We get up and we see aunt Claire and Dr. Ellie running towards us. Behind them, is the t-rex following not too far behind. They both throw their flares to the indominus. The t-rex lets out a big roar as she sees the indominus.

Dr. Ellie helps pull aunt Claire away from the t-rex and they hide behind a sculpture. The t-rex bites the neck of the other dinosaur. I begin to get more frightened as the get closer to us.

-Ellie's P.O.V.-

The guys jump out of the stand they are in as both dinosaurs crash into it. I fear for their lives as I see the look of fear in Owens eyes as we make eye contact.

"Run!" I yell out as I feel tears in my eyes.

The run to where Claire and I stand. The indominus takes the t-rex down and is abiut to kill her when we hear a very familiar call.

I look over and see my beautiful Blue running toward them. She jumps on the monster and makes her go wild. The t-rex fights back as we run into a gift shop. Blue is thrown right in front of us and runs back to fight. The indominus is then pushed by the t-rex into a building and sparks fly everywhere.

The t-rex grabs her by the neck and pulls her down. The indominus stands back up to fight and the t-rex pushes her near the water. She stands up ready to lunge towards the t-rex as the Mosasaur jumps out of the water and drags her down.

I stand directly behind Owen holding onto his arm as Claire and the boys stand behind us. We all let out a breath of relief as we realise the monster is dead.

The t-rex and Blue look at each other and kind of speak to each other. The t-rex turns and walks away. Blue looks at us and Owen walks towards her. He nods his head before she looks away and runs after the t-rex. We all follow Owen and stand there in peace. We soon get a call from Owens walkie-talkie

"Claire?" Lowery says through the machine.

"Lowery, where are you?" She says.

"I'm at the helipad, come on let's leave." He says.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes." She says. "Lowery?" She says as tears well in her eyes.

"Yes Claire?" He says.

"I love you so much." She says before sobbing.

"I love you too, Claire. Now get here so we can leave." He says with a hitch in his throat.

"Ok." She says.

We all start to walk towards the helipad as we hold hands with each other.

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