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These two weeks had been crazy. I found the perfect sequence for our hybrid, now know as the Archaeornithomimus. Which is pretty hard to say, but we're coming up with a different name. Owen and I became a couple, and I couldn't be happier.

The only thing that is in the back of my mind is the fact I can't tell Owen about the hybrid. Dr. Wu said it's classified until it's a success. So whenever I am at work, I have to lie to him. It sucks, but it'll be a success soon, then I can tell him.

We were over at the raptor paddock making sure everything was ready. The perimeter was up so that's a good sign. They were starting on the cages that the raptors would be in when they weren't training. Everything is bring done at a fast pace, the whole paddock might be done in less than a month.

"How is my beautiful scientist doing?" I heard Owen say s he walked in.

"I'm doing mighty fine. How is my handsome raptor trainer doing?" I said in an English accent.

"Better now that I'm with you." He replied hugging me.

He grabbed my hand as we walked over to the little cage that held our raptors.

We fed them pieces of fish while working on the clicker technique.

"Blue seems to be the most intelligent." Owen said.

"She is the beta. Someone's gotta look after them while raptor daddy is gone." I replied mockingly.

"Raptor daddy?" He asked while glaring at me.

"Yeah. And I'm raptor mommy." I said before kidding his forehead.

I heard my phone ring as I stood up.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Greetings Dr. Grant. Its Dr. Wu. I just ended my meeting with Mr. Masrani, he said he wanted us to start with our hybrid soon. He wants us to pick an easier name to pronounce for the children." He said.

"That sounds awesome! I'll try to come up with a name as soon as possible."

"You haven't told anyone about the hybrid, correct?" He said.

"No Dr. Wu, I haven't. " I said

"Good. Have a nice evening Dr. Grant."

"You too Wu, see you tomorrow."

I hung up as I saw Owen walk towards me.

"What was the all about?" He asked.

"Dr. Wu stuff he wants to work on more pachy embryos." I shrugged.

I hate the fact I can't tell him the truth. Maybe when it actually works, I can tell him.

"Ready to go home?" I asked.

"More than ready."


"Oh come on! I have to go to jail?" I yelled as I picked up the "Go to jail" card.

"Sorry babe, rules are rules." He said laughing.

"Rules are rules." I said mockingly.

"You want to go there?" He said, raising his eyebrow.

"No?" I said more as a question.

"Too late!" He did as he started to steal all my monopoly money. He threw it all over the table and started to make a mess.

"Oh no, you created the U.S. Economy!" I said dramatically.

Sierra hopped on Owens back as he started to throw more money.

"Ok Sierra, you win. Hey Ells, how bout a movie?" He said as I picked my head back up from laughing.

"Sounds great!" I got up and ran to the living room.

In less than 10 minutes, we had popcorn made and put on Disney's Dinosaurs.

"Hey babe?" I asked after 30 minutes into the movie.

"Yes honey?"

"what do you think would be the scariest name for a dinosaur?"

"Uhmm.. I don't know. How about Diabolius?

"Sounds evil. How about, Pathadon?"

"Haha, but no. How about, indominus rex?"

"That actually sounds cool. Or the I-Rex." I said

"Haha thinking about creating your own dinosaur?" He said sarcastically.

I felt my face go hot.

"No just wondering." I said coolly.

Pandemonium//Owen Grady//Where stories live. Discover now