It has begun.

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- 5 months later- 

"Ok Blue! Lead your pack." Owen said as they remotely opened the door to their cages. The raptors are almost full grown and are learning a lot. 

"Delta! Stop biting your sister." Barry, Owens co-trainer, said as the raptors ran in.

"Sisters will be sisters." I said as I pressed the lock.

"Ellie, you don't have any sisters." Owen said as he walked over to me.

"Yeah, but growing up with you is no different." I said jokingly.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and went to hug Barry. Before I could get to him, my phone started to vibrate. A new text from Dr. Wu. 

It's time.

I felt my eyes widen as I saw the text.

"Everything ok Ellie?" Barry asked me as he saw my sudden change in mood.

"Oh. Uhm, yeah. Dr. Wu needs me to go to the lab. I'll see you guys later?" I said as I put my phone in my pocket.

"No problem. Plus it's Owens turn to pick up the pizza tonight." Barry said as he smiled.

"And I'll remember the bread sticks this time." Owen said before hugging me.

"Thank you. I have to go already. Bye!" I said before running off to my jeep.


"How far have the eggs cracked?" I asked as I got into the lab.

"Not much." Dr. Wu replied as he walked to me.

"Did you get all the files?" He asked.

"Yes. Here." I said before putting on my lab gear and tying my hair back.

After about 15 minutes we heard a loud crack. We both turned and looked at each other. We heard two more cracks then scratching noises and little growls.

"Dr. Grant. You have helped me succeed at something that I wouldn't be able to do  alone. Thank you." Dr. Wu said.

"You're welcome." I said happily with tears in my eyes. I went to hug him then we heard the second egg.

"I'm here Dr. Wu. I came as fast as I could." I heard Claire say as she came running with the click-clack of her heels.

"You told her?" I whispered.

"Masrani's orders." He replied.

"Oh Ellie! I'm so proud of you." Claire said as she hugged me.

"Well let's see my creations." I said.

We walked over to the incubator to see one of the dinosaurs out of the egg. She was about eight inches from tail to snout, white, and long claws.

"She's beautiful." I said as I was about to touch the baby dinosaur. They other egg completely hatched and out came a slightly smaller dinosaur. I looked at it for a second then hear a growl from the other one. We saw her crawl to the smaller dinosaur and begin to eat her.

"Holy shit!" I said before reaching in there. I went to pull away the baby indominus and she scratched my hand.

"Jesus Christ Ellie! Are you ok?" Claire asked.

"Get the first aid!"I yelled. She ran to get the first aid as I saw Dr. Wu observe the indominus eat its only other kind.

-later that night-

"Hey babe. Glad you could finally make it ho- what happened to your hand?" Owen asked as I got in the house.

"Little scratch. No biggie." I said after kissing his cheek. 

"You positive?" he asked.

"Like a proton. Now where are the bread sticks? i asked as I went to the living room.

Pandemonium//Owen Grady//Where stories live. Discover now