Secret projects.

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I woke up extra early to prepare for telling Owen he would be working with us. I curled my blonde hair, put a white skirt on with a pink blouse, and light pink heels. I poured Sierra some water and cat food and headed out.

I drove to one of our fancier restaurants on the park and sat at my reserved table. Five minutes later, Owen walked in wearing board shorts. I look at him completely in shock.

"Owen Grady, we are in a nice restaurant. Couldn't you have worn something better?" I say stunned.

"What?" He says looking at his shorts. "We're in a tropical climate. Its hot." He says amused.

"You haven't changed." I said laughing.

"You haven't either Ells." He says sweetly.

I blush as our waiter comes to our table. I order a veggie omelet with water and Owen gets steaks and eggs with a shot of tequila.

"I haven't even told you the news and you're celebrating." I say after the waiter leaves.

"I knew I would make it."

"You are so egotistical."

"Well you wouldn't have been hanging out with me this week if I didn't make it, blue would you?" He asks.

I think about it for a minute. What would I have done if Owen wasn't going to get hired?

I stay in deep thought until our waiter brings our food.

"Was I day dreaming?" I ask after I get my plate.

"Yeah. I didn't say anything. It reminded me of you when we were smaller digging up dinosaur bones with our old folks." He says cutting his steak.

"It was so much fun digging up bones with them. But I think it was more fun when we tried it alone." I said laughing.

"Remember when we went into that dried out lake trying to find fossilized seaweed and you stepped in hog crap?"

"How could I forget? You made fun of me for a whole week!"

"Yeah then you gave me a black eye for making fun of you."

"Then I kissed the pain away because I felt bad." I said slightly blushing.

"Being with you was always fun Ells. I have nothing but good memories with you." He says as he holds my hand.

I look at our hands and see how fitting they look together.

"Everyone of them." I say.


After partying for a long time we moved all his belongings into my house, as I promises him. We arranged for a plane to pick him up on Thursday to take him home so he can bring more of his stuff to live over here.

I was working in my lab monitoring the raptor eggs when Dr. Wu walked in.

"Salutations Dr. Grant" he says with his usual smile.

"Afternoon Dr. Wu." I reply after writing my observations and data.

"Is it ok if I speak to you privately about a new project. You are probably the only scientist, besides me, who can accomplish this." He says seriously.

"Sure, what's thing on in that massive brain of yours?"

"Well, Mr. Masrani wants a new animal for the park. He wants it bigger, and scarier." He says after shutting my lab door.

"What Dino does he have in mind?"

"That's the thing. For over a year, I have been looking into the field of genetic spicing. A tested it by making an animal with the base of a mouse, but with features of a squirrel. At first, my experiments were dying after a week. But I found the right technique and its been living for five months already."

"So, you want me to help you make a new dinosaur?" I ask slowly.

"That is my proposal, yes. So, do you agree?"

"It would be an honor Dr. Wu. When do we start?"

"Thursday, we will do test runs on our computer program and see which ones work out."

"Awesome. I'll be ready with some ideas to test out. See you then." I say as I leave my lab with Dr. Wu.

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