New Beginnings.

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I was walking through my lab, all you  could hear was the click of my heels. I went to my work area and was tying to find the perfect gene sequence for this hybrid. I had all the components for the perfect dino; big, scary, and lots of teeth. But something wasn't right. I started to grow bored and started adding random dinosaur genes. I added stegosaurus, failure. Pterodactyl, failure. Velociraptor, fail-

Wait a minute, it worked? 

"Holy sh-" I began to yell

"Language Dr. Grant!" I heard Dr. Wu say.

"Sorry cap, but I found the key to our dinosaur! Velociraptor! Its my raptor gene!" I said yelling as I ran to hug him.

He walked over to my laptop and saw the screen.

"Extraordinary." he said in awe.

"So, now what?" I said happily.

"We start building the actual sequence and then we-" he stopped after we heard my incubator start to beep.

I ran over to it and i saw the timer for when my eggs would start to hatch. 

30 minutes.

I got my phone and dialed Owen. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Owen, you need to come over to my lab quickly."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"The raptors; they're hatching!" I yelled into the phone.

"Wh-what? I'm on my way. Give me 20 minutes to leave the paddock. See you soon."

I blushed a little. "See you soon."

"Dr. Grant, I have to go. Mr. Masrani is awaiting me. I shall see you again tomorrow. We'll work on the genes tomorrow. Have a swell day." Dr. Wu said, he then left my lab.

- 23 minutes later-

I was getting everything ready for the raptors little nest as I heard the familiar sound of heavy boots.

"I got here as soon as I could." he said.

"Just in time." I said as I heard the first egg to crack.

We walked over to the incubator. I stood in front while Owen stood behind me, wrapping his arm around me. I Blushed as I saw a little head poke out of the first egg.

"She's beautiful." Owen said quietly.

The first one was grey with a bright blue stripe going down her body.

"Blue." I said.

"That's a cute name." Owen said as he squeezed my arm.

The next raptors hatched and Owen named them. Charlie, Delta, and Echo. Charlie is green, Delta is a darker green, and Echo is Brownish. 

"Ells, they're beautiful." He said as he began to pet them. They made little noises as they were getting to know their alpha. 

I was writing down some data and watching Owen with the raptors. He was carrying Blue and was silently talking to her.

"I think you'll be my beta." he said. She replied by gnawing at his thumb.

I looked over at Charlie and Delta, they were fighting with each other while Echo  was trying to jump out of the nest.

I put my data sheets down and went to go play with my little creations.

-later that night-

Owen and I sat down in my living room watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and eating pizza.

"How did I get so lucky?" I heard Owen say as he put his arm around me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean look. I get a kicking job, awesome dino's, and I got my beautiful best friend back." he said.

"I guess it was meant to be." I shrugged.

"Maybe." He said as he kissed the top of my head. 

"Owen, do you love me?" I blurted out. "And not like a friend."

"Yes, Ellie. I do, I've always loved you. Ever since I first met you at the dig site." he said.

"Ow... I- I love you too." I said.

"You do?" he asked. And after finally realizing it, I did love him.

"Yes Owen. I love you and I never want to loose you again." I said as I hugged him. 

"I'll make sure that never happens." He said as he hugged me tight.

And at last, this island felt like home.

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