I'm having such a bad night I hate everything so much
Tonight we went out for dinner and one of the posters on the wall said "no ugly dates" and my brother said, "good thing that sign isn't real, girls" jokingly so I said "this is why I need feminism"
And my dad, once again, reminded me that he thinks feminism is stupid.
My other brother then asked what exactly feminism is so I explained it n everything and my parents completely ripped apart feminism and tried to claim that they were right
"It's never going to happen, we weren't created equally so we're not going to be equal"
"Men can't get pregnant"
"We can do some things the same, but men and women aren't equal"
I literally had to go into the restaurants vestibule because I was going to cry
And then in the car my dad was making faces at me in the window and my brother said "she's mad at you," so he replied with "no, she's just upset that I said feminism is bad"
Fuck yeah I'm mad.
My oldest brother is the only other person who's feminist in my family and it makes me so fucking mad because I educate my siblings so much and they agree with me until my parents are in the conversation then it's like "nope sorry feminism is for bad people"
Now I have to do game night with them in just so so stressed right now I don't want to be in the same room as any of them
Lately everything has just been so bad I've been so stressed lately with fucking everything and this is making it so not better I literally just want to curl up in a ball and die ,, none of my family members could even begin to understand how much worse tonight just made everything for me.
nice to know that my fucking values and beliefs mean nothing to my family.