About meh

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Here is a kind of get-to-know-me facts page

Name: I'm keeping my identity a secret... Cuz I'm Batman. But I'll give you one hint: my name begins with H.

Birthday: April 23

Zodiac: Taurus

Height: five feet nine/ten inches (I haven't measured myself recently)

Likes: YouTube, YouTube, and did I mention YouTube? But I also like sushi, animals, Internet memes, drawing, computer programming, anime, plus a bunch of other stuff I'm too lazy to type

Dislikes: people who lie, ART THIEFS, homework, roller coasters (I get sick so easily), arachnids, flying insects in general...

Senpais: MARKIPLIER *fangirling intensifies* and a guy at school... That's all I'm saying ;)

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