ESTÁS LEYENDO The Art of Art {COMPLETED} De Todo My drawings of random stuff and fan art, using paper and digital. Enjoy! NOTE: hello, if anyone reads this, but THIS IS OLD AND VERY CRAPPY ART. READ MY OTHER BOOK. PLEASE. #art #drawing #fairytail #fanart #fnaf #goats #random #sketches OTP contest entry...? 42 13 4 por Xeono100 por Xeono100 Seguir Compartir Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Reportar Historia Enviar Send to Friend Compartir Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Reportar Historia @ThatUndertaleMystery Um for some reason Wattpad isn't allowing me to tag you in this chapter although I'm following you BUT if your OTP contest is still going on, then here's a wild Alphyne I mean, come on, who doesn't ship them? They're so adorable Here they are again in case it doesn't show up in the media ¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.