So I was tagged, and here it goes:
1. Favorite Song
I have many right now so I'll list them: Centuries by FOB, Ghost by Ella Henderson, FNaF by The Living Tombstone, Crazy la Paint by The Minimusician, and I'm Everywhere (dubstep) by Technoaxe, I believe? Lol
2. Favorite Sport
Either badminton or swimming XD
3. Favorite Band
I really don't have any... I like Bastille, but only a couple of songs AND DAN SMITH IS HAWT
4. Favorite Show
The Big Bang Theory... WHO DOESN'T LOVE SHELDON?! And Good Mythical Morning... Hey, it's a show, but only on YouTube
5. Favorite Movie
Probably any Harry Potter movies
6. Favorite Color
7. Favorite Food
I don't know... If I had to choose, probably my homemade meatballs... I AM GETTING SO HUNGRY THINKING ABOUT IT
8. Favorite Drink
I HAVE MANY: water, coke, milkshakes, smoothies, milk, and juice
9. Favorite Video Game
AGAIN, I HAVE MANY. I have to say FNaF because I was never EVER interested in any horror games until it came out. If it convinced me to play a game with a whole lotta scares, then it's pretty good in my opinion. Not to mention THE OUTRAGEOUSLY AMAZING BACKSTORY. But I also like Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. EASILY my favorite Mario RPG game.
10. Tag 15 People
UM I'LL TAG JUST ONE, SINCE PEOPLE SEEM TO GET OFFENDED WHEN SOMEONE TAGS THEM FOR SOME ODD REASON hermioneismybff there, my sister, I know she won't care lol

The Art of Art {COMPLETED}
RandomMy drawings of random stuff and fan art, using paper and digital. Enjoy! NOTE: hello, if anyone reads this, but THIS IS OLD AND VERY CRAPPY ART. READ MY OTHER BOOK. PLEASE.