Contest entry for AwkwardLlama_1305
He's kneeling, if you can't tell. Lol
His name is Enos, and he is what I call a Chamelite. A Chamelite is a demon-like species of alien who used to have a civilization on the planet Saturn. Most of their kind got wiped out, but exactly twelve escaped. Chamelite never age, and the only way they die is by fire. So the remaining Chamelite went to Earth, and started living in secrecy.
Chamelites basically are like chameleons (hence the name) and can blend in the background. No, they don't teleport or go invisible, they are still in the room but just blend in. There are good and evil Chamelites and Enos is for sure a good one. He has a sister named Cosmia, and lately she's been going out often and he hasn't seen her for weeks... But he did see her one time stalking a blue-haired girl *nudge nudge wink wink*
Enos is very timid but strong and smart, and is very afraid of his sister. His sister isn't strong physically, but she's very strong with her magic and powers, so strong she can produce horrifying images to the one she chooses to stalk.
I'll draw Cosmia next. I'm not completely satisfied with the way he turned out, so a redraw may come soon.

The Art of Art {COMPLETED}
De TodoMy drawings of random stuff and fan art, using paper and digital. Enjoy! NOTE: hello, if anyone reads this, but THIS IS OLD AND VERY CRAPPY ART. READ MY OTHER BOOK. PLEASE.