Alright, let me go over and critique my own previous drawings like the amazing AwkwardLlama_1305 did to hers
June- little to no shading, dress configuration was all wrong, lines were shaky, started to get into anime. In other words, spawn of Tiger Satan.
July- no shading, lines even more shaky, ear looks like a deformed potato, anime style floweth forth
August- chibis emerged, digital drawing started to get better, still 1/10 shading
Early September- digital coloring got better, anatomy is horrible, shading is still bad, kind of realistic anime
Late September- a bit better at digital coloring, DISGUSTING HANDS, pretty okay head, slightly shaky lines
Early October- paper-drawing phase, shaky lines, cruddy coloring, chibi-like people
Late October- sketchy lines, faces still don't look normal, too long of neck, sucky shading
November- better facial anatomy, eyes are basically two sausages with dots, still bad at shading (NO FRICKING AIRBRUSH TOOL ANYMORE, PAST SELF)
Early December- better shading, slightly better anatomy, needs more of a pose and expression*Note that I don't have a current style on here, because I'm finishing that drawing up, which will be the first drawing of 2016.*

The Art of Art {COMPLETED}
De TodoMy drawings of random stuff and fan art, using paper and digital. Enjoy! NOTE: hello, if anyone reads this, but THIS IS OLD AND VERY CRAPPY ART. READ MY OTHER BOOK. PLEASE.