Before I start this chapter, I just have one question. Why is it when you look up names websites always say "100 most popular baby names"... Like they only use those names for babies? Do those kids get a new name after a year? Wow, what a complex society.
I would REALLY love for there to be more people reading my art book, so when I have to ask you guys something and vote on it, I'll have a lot of responses. BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG, I thank all you 3 or 4 people who read this, specifically themantisshrimp and DdozyPolitoed . You both are awesome for reading most of my books ;)
But I don't want to be an ass, commenting on other peoples stuff saying "HEY. READ MY ART BOOK.K THNX BYE!" And also an update to my board, notifying all my followers, which like who even reads that?
I have NO IDEA how other people get like 2.4774939283911K votes for their stuff, because it's really hard. I'm not sure HOW you get discovered on here. But I'm not gonna go around like a mindless turd self-advertising everywhere.
Okay, back to business.
I have a few names I want y'all to vote on (here comes my southern side smh)
1. Amelie (pronounced AH-mill-ee) (French origin)
2. Kaira (Scandinavian origin)
3. Aviana (English origin)
4. Cosimia (Greek origin)
5. Verena (Dutch origin)Also, the names you vote on won't necessarily persuade my choice of name. I just wanna see what you think of the name choices.

The Art of Art {COMPLETED}
OverigMy drawings of random stuff and fan art, using paper and digital. Enjoy! NOTE: hello, if anyone reads this, but THIS IS OLD AND VERY CRAPPY ART. READ MY OTHER BOOK. PLEASE.