ESTÁS LEYENDO The Art of Art {COMPLETED} Acak My drawings of random stuff and fan art, using paper and digital. Enjoy! NOTE: hello, if anyone reads this, but THIS IS OLD AND VERY CRAPPY ART. READ MY OTHER BOOK. PLEASE. #art #drawing #fairytail #fanart #fnaf #goats #random #sketches SOMETHING TRADITIONAL 47 10 5 por Xeono100 por Xeono100 Seguir Compartir Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Reportar Historia Enviar Send to Friend Compartir Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Laporkan cerita (WIP above, finished below) Something good came out of this, finally NOW LET ME DIGITALIZE IT AND SEE WHAT'S BETTER Also I'm gonna mess around with my profile pic a bit ¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.