Chapter 1 / intro

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It was dark. You shouldn't be here, but you are. How did you even get yourself in this position? It was never supposed to go this far. . . Well, there's no going back now. You pull your black hood on over your head and walk to the door.
Danny:" If anything goes down, run. Don't wait for me."
You hated when he did this. Apparently he doesn't know how badass you really are. Well, he's probably just being protective. That's what older brothers do, right?
He knocks on the door. No one answers. He knocks again and does this weird bird whistle. The door opens.
Tom:" Well it's about damn time. Look who finally decided to show up."
Danny:" I had things to do. Have they showed up yet?"
Tom:" If they did, I wouldn't be talking to you right now."
They both laugh. This wasn't funny. It was serious, but apparently you were the only one who understood that.
Tom:" Did you bring the stuff?"
Danny:" No I left it at home. . . Yes I brought the stuff. Do you think I'm an idiot? Let me in."
Tom lets you both in and you see the rest of the guys sitting in the living room.

Tom. . . You hated him, but he looked out for you guys. He was the same age as your brother but he acted like a dad. He's the reason why you and Danny were in this mess. They were all the same age, a grade ahead of you.
Drew:" Aw. Is Danny babysitting his little sister tonight?"
Danny:" Shut up Drew."
You hated Drew more than you hated Tom. He didn't do anything except annoy you. Even though you were the youngest, he's the most immature.
Drew:" I just want to know why she's always here?"
Stefan:" Why are you always here Drew? Y/n is actually helpful. What do you do?"
Drew:" Okay. Go ahead and stick up for you girlfriend."
You weren't his girlfriend. . . Well, not officially. You guys had a thing going on but you weren't really sure what it was. Yeah, you guys kiss. . . A lot, but that's it. You've never gone on a date with him. Unless you include drug deals as a date.
You leave the living room and go to one of the bedrooms in the back of the house. This was Stefan's room. This was his house. . . His old house. No one bought it after his family moved out of it, so it was the group's "hang out" spot.
Stefan:" You okay? What's wrong?"
You:" Nothing."
He puts his arms around you and starts kissing you.

Stefan:" Okay, seriously tell me what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself. You haven't really said much tonight. Not even a response to Drew's comment."
You:" I don't know. Tonight just doesn't feel right."
Stefan:" Well this isn't something we normally do."
You:" I know, that's the thing. We don't have all of it."
Stefan:" They didn't have all the money last time so-"
You:" That was the last time. These guys are serious about this stuff."
Stefan:" . . . Are you scared?"
You:" No. . . I'm worried."
Stefan sighs then walks over to his closet.
Stefan:" I know your birthday isn't until next week, but I think you could use this now."
He hands you a box wrapped and tied with a bow. You open it and you don't expect what you see.

You:" Hm. Most guys give their girlfriend a necklace or a bracelet for her birthday, I get a gun."
It was a Tiffany blue hand gun. You never had your own gun but you'd shot one before. You always wanted one for obvious reason. Where did he even get this from? He's to young to buy one.
Stefan:" You don't like it?"
You:" I love it. How did you get it?"
Stefan:" I know a guy who knows a guy. Custom made just for you."
You:" What made you get me this?"
Stefan:" I want you to be safe. Anything can happen."
You:" I'm safe with you."
Stefan:" What if I'm not with you? What if something happens to me?"
You:" I'm not having this conversation. Nothing is going to happened to you."
Stefan:" I know. . ."
You:" I'm tired of doing this stuff."
Stefan:" Me too baby girl. . . Listen, after tonight, we'll stop this. We'll never do it again."
You:" Really?"
Stefan:" Really. And in a few years when you've graduated, we'll both be in college. I can get a real job, buy us a nice apartment wherever you want."
You:" France."
You both laugh because you know that it's never going to happen.
Stefan:" I don't know if I can afford France baby. But maybe New York somewhere. Brooklyn or, if I get a really good job, maybe Manhattan."
You:" I like that idea."
Stefan:" Good. Then we'll do it. After tonight, we're done with all of this. Then it's just me and you."
There's a knock on door.
Stefan:" It's time."
You look down at the gun he gave you.
Stefan:" Hey,"
He lifts your chin up so that you were looking him in the eyes.
Stefan:" I love you."
You:" I love you, too."

*2 years later*
Danny:" Nervous?"
You:" Why would I be?"
Danny:" I don't know, maybe because it's your first year of college!"
You:" I know."
Danny:" Well you don't seem that jazzed about it."
You:" I am. It's just. . ."
You sigh and try to hold yourself together.
Danny:" Look, I know you miss Stefan and I know you wish he was here, but this is a great opportunity for you to meet someone knew. . . You know, as long as I approve of him."
You pretend to smile.
Danny:" Let me go get the rest of the guys and we'll help you bring your stuff up to your dorm."
Danny starts walking to his dorm which is basically across the street from yours. You started getting some of your stuff out the car and taking it to your dorm. You grab a huge box and start heading towards your dorm.

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