Chapter 3

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Tom:" Here. Take your shit and go."
Ty, the buyer, and his two friends look in the bag. He had a girl with him. She wasn't really pretty, had a scar right above her right eye, super skinny. Ty laughs.
Ty:" You're fucking around with me. Where's the rest of it?"
Tom:" Where's the rest of our money?"
Ty whispers something in the girl's ear and she leaves the house.
Ty:" This is why I can't trust you bitchass high school kids. You never come through."
He pulls out his gun and points it toward Tom. The other guys pulled out their guns too. One pointed at Drew and the other pointed at you.
Stefan:" Whoa whoa."
Stefan steps in front of you and pushes you back behind him.
Stefan:" We had a deal. You pay in full and we deliver in full. You didn't pay in full so we're giving you what you paid for."
Ty smiles at the other guys.
Ty:" Is that your girlfriend?"
Stefan:" No."
Ty:" Then she must be your sister. So protective over her."
Ty starts walking closer to you. You feel your heart start beating faster. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Danny:" Leave her alone."
The guys turn their guns on Danny. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! You dove to the ground. After about 8 shots everything went silent.
Tom:" Is everyone okay."
Drew:" I'm good."
Danny:" Y/n are you okay?"
You had to catch your breath.
Danny:" Y/n!"
You:" I'm fine Danny!"
You stand up and see Ty and his guys laying on the ground.
Stefan:" Y/n-"
You turn and see Stefan bleeding on the ground.
You:" No. No. No. No."
Tom:" We can't stay here. The cops will be here any minute. Bring him to the van."
Drew and Danny carry him out to the van and lay him in the back seat. You sit next to him and grab his hand. Tom starts driving to the hospital.
Stefan:" I'm sorry Y/n."
You:" You didn't do anything baby."
Stefan:" I love you."
You kiss him.
You:" I love you too. We already said this earlier."
Stefan:" I just want you to know that. . . You were the first and last girl I ever loved."
You feel the tears forming in your eyes.
Tom:" We're almost there. Stefan hold on man."
Stefan:" Y/n, I want you to be happy. Because I love you."
You:" Stefan stop saying that. I am happy. After a graduate we're going to move in together."
He smiles and holds your hand tighter.
You:" And then we're going to move to New York and get an apartment."
Tom stops the van but you weren't at the hospital yet. He knew, Stefan knew, and you knew he wasn't going to make it.
Stefan:" We're going to get married and have kids right?"
You:" Yeah. . . How many?"
Stefan:" 3 of them. 2 boys and a girl."
You:" And what are we going to name them?"
Stefan:" Anything you want. . . I want you to be happy no matter what. I want you to be safe."
You knew he wasn't talking about your future with him any more. A tear falls from his eye.
Stefan:" I'll always love you. . . Danny, Drew. . . Tom."
His words started coming out slower.
Stefan:" You guys are my brothers. I love you guys."
If they weren't before, they were all crying now.
Stefan:" Danny. . . Thank you for looking out for me. Thanks for always having my back. Thanks for. . ."
He looks at you and smiles.
Stefan:" Thanks for Y/n. . ."
You couldn't take it. This was too drawn out. You tried to get up and leave but Stefan was still holding on to your hand.
Stefan:" Please don't leave me Y/n."
How could you leave him now?!
Stefan:" Guys. . . Look out for her. Please. . . For me."
Danny:" We will man."
Tom:" We will."
Drew:" Only for you man."
He was still looking at you and smiling. He pulls your hand down so you would come closer to him. You look at your feet and start crying.
Stefan:" Hey,"
He lifts your chin up.
Stefan:" I love you."
You could barely get the words out.
You:" I. . . I love you, too."
He kisses your forehead, takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. His hand, which was once tight around yours, had let go and fell on the seat.

*present time*
Danny:" Look, there are things going on that you don't understand."
You:" Then tell me so I know."
Danny:" No. I told you, I don't want you caught in the middle of this. Just don't hang out with them. It's bad enough that you hang out with me and my friends. I don't want it to go any farther than that. Okay?"
You:" The rest of the guys know about this, too? They're apart of it?"
Danny:" Yes. Don't bring it up. Ever. You aren't supposed to know as much as you do."
You:" I don't know anything because you won't tell me anything!"
Danny:" Good. All you need to know is that Jake and his crew don't really like me and the guys. If they find out you're my sister. . . Don't let anybody know that you're my sister okay?"
You:" Why? Just tell me what's-"
Danny:" The less you know, the better. Now leave it alone. Don't ask about it, don't talk about it, don't even think about it. Just let it go."
You:" But-"
Danny:" Y/n!"
His tone made you jump a little.
Danny:" Let. It. Go."
You:" okay."
Danny:" This is college. You're going to have fun."
How are you going to have fun now that you know what Danny was doing?

*Later that day*
You were upset remembering everything that happened with Stefan and you were pissed that Danny was still involved with that stuff. When most girls are upset they call their mom or best friend and eat the pain away. Well, you didn't have that option. You weren't at home watching sad movies. . . You were at a shooting range. Yeah, you were still too young to shoot a handgun unattended, but according to you're "drivers license" you were 23. You take out the gun Stefan gave you. Man, you loved this gun. You put on all the mandatory gear and aim at the target. Bang. You felt the first shot run through your arms. You shot again and again until you were out of bullets.
You turn around and see a guy watching you. He was cute. Even underneath the goggles.
"I've never seen a girl shoot like that."
You:" Well, there's a first time for everything."
"I guess so. Where'd you learn how to shoot like that?"
You:" Just a lot of practice."
You reload your gun.
"You look kind of young to be shooting."
You put your gun down and look at the guy.
You:" Oh yeah? And how old are you, 12?"
He laughs.
"No. Sorry, this isn't the way I wanted this conversation to go. Let me start over. I'm Austin."
You:" I'm Y/n."

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