Chapter 2

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Guy:" Do you need some help? That looks pretty heavy."
You:" Sure. Thank you."
You hand him the box.
Guy:" No problem. I'm Jake."
You:" Y/n."
Jake:" I'm guessing you're a freshman or a transfer."
You:" Freshman."
Jake:" Oh that's exciting."
You:" That sounded really sarcastic."
He laughs.
Jake:" Sorry. I just remember my freshman year."
You:" How long ago was that?"
Jake:" Oh wow. A long time ago. Like a whole year."
You:" So you're a sophomore now. . . This is my room."
You open the door and see a girl sitting on her bed with her mom.
Girl:" Hi! Omg you must be Y/n! It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Jenna!"
You:" Hi, nice to-"
Jenna:" And this is my mom, Jennifer."
Jenna and Jennifer? Oh god. Jake whisper in your ear "Good luck with that one."
He puts the box down and starts walking down the hall but you grab his hand before he leaves.
Jenna:" Is he your boyfriend?!"
Jake:" I'm just helping her with her stuff."
You:" Yeah. And we are going to go get the rest of it right now."
Jenna:" Do you want-"
Before she could finish you pulled Jake out the dorm and back to the car.
You:" I can't believe you were going to leave me alone with those two."
Jake:" I'm sorry. I just thought you might want to get to know your roommate better."
He laughs.
You:" It's not funny."
Jake:" I know. I'm sorry. But, if you don't want to spend your whole night with that, then there's a back to school party over at my dorm. You can come if you want."
You:" Yeah sure. What time?"
Jake:" Whenever you get there."
He looks over at two guys and they wave him over.
Jake:" I've got to go, but I'll see you later?"
You:" Yeah."
Jake:" Good."
He smiles then runs over to the other two guys.

Dylan:" Look at all of the girls this year! I'm never leaving."
Jake:" Isn't this like your 3rd year as a senior?"
Dylan:" Yup. And now you know why. Where the hell is Shawn?"
Jake:" Trying to flirt with that girl over there."
Shawn walks over to us after the girl rejects him.
Dylan:" How'd it go over there?"
Jake:" Do you even need to ask?"
Shawn:" Hey, that girl was all over me. I had to let her down easy because I already have a hundred girls waiting for me."
Dylan:" Oh yeah? Like who?"
He looks around for a second then points to a girl taking some boxes out of her car.
Shawn:" Like her."
I laugh.
Jake:" She's way to pretty to be your girlfriend."
They both look at me and smile.
Dylan:" You like that Jake?"
Jake:" No I was just-"
Shawn:" You like her."
Jake:" I don't even know her."
Dylan:" So? Go over there and help her. She'll be dying to fuck if she sees you're a gentleman."
Jake:" No. I'm not doing that."
Dylan:" Fine. I'll do it myself because I for one am getting some head tonight."
Jake:" Wait. . . I'll go over there."
I start walking over to her.
Shawn:" Don't forget to put the tie on the door."
They both start laughing.
Although I act like a "bad boy" I'm really not. I'm not the kind of guy that asks a girl out just for sex. I mean I like sex. Who doesn't? But I'm not going to start something I can't finish. I'll be nice to her, invite her to the party tonight, but that's it. She's pretty but I'm not sure if we'll have a future together.
Jake:" Do you need some help? That looks pretty heavy."

Me, Drew, and Tom. Just us now. In this together no matter what. I get them from my dorm so we can help Y/n unpack the car.
Drew:" No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to get away from your sister."
Tom:" Dude, what's your problem with Y/n?"
Danny:" Seriously. She's never even bothered you."
Drew:" Danny, you're going to the same college as your younger sister."
Danny:" What's your point?"
Drew:" It's college! You're supposed to have fun and go crazy without a buzzkill around."
Danny:" Y/n isn't a buzzkill. I wanted her to come to the same college as us."
Drew:" Why?!"
Danny:" To look out for her and help her. She's still upset about Stefan."
Drew:" Really? Most girls would be over that by now and hooking up with some other guy."
Danny:" It's different with Y/n. She really liked Stefan. He's the whole reason she stopped dealing. She told me that once she started college she was going to move in with him."
Tom:" And you were okay with that?"
Danny:" Yeah. She's my little sister. I just want her to be happy. After the whole thing with Stefan she hasn't been herself. . . I just want her to find a new guy and be happy."
Tom:" A guy like Jake?"
Danny:" No! Anyone but Jake and his crew. Why would you even ask that?"
Tom:" Because she's over there talking to him right now."

You did not want to go back to your dorm, at least not while Jasmine, or whatever the hell her name is, was in there. Luckily, Danny and the guys were coming over to help so at least you wouldn't be alone with her and her mom.
You:" I think we can make one trip if-"
Danny:" Why were you talking to that guy?"
You:" Who? Jake?"
Drew:" Yeah. What did he want?"
You:" The last time I checked you weren't my dad, Drew."
Tom:" Y/n, what did he want?"
You:" He just asked me if I needed help. Damn."
Danny:" That's it?"
You:" Yeah. And he invited me to a party."
Drew:" Nope. You're not going."
You:" I'm pretty sure I am."
Tom:" Y/n, you're not going."
You:" What the hell? Are we playing house now? Is Drew the mom and Tom the dad?"
Drew:" You know, fuck you. Go to that fucking party. Go get fucked up and end up in bed with some random fucking guy and-"
Danny:" Okay okay. Chill. Let me talk to her. Alone. Just start taking the stuff up."
Drew:" Man fuck your stuff. You can take that shit on your own."
Drew walks away.
Tom:" Well, you sure bring out the best in him Y/n."
You and Tom laugh then he takes one of the boxes out of the car and takes it to your dorm.

You:" Why does Drew have such a problem with Jake?"
Danny:" It's not just Drew. It's all of us."
You:" Jake seems so nice, though."
Danny:" Not really. Neither are his friends."
You:" Damn. And they're all so cute. I guess I just won't make friends this year."
Danny:" I'm serious Y/n, don't hang out with those guys."
You:" Why? Are they some dangerous drug gang?"
You laugh. He doesn't say anything.
You:" Danny."
Danny:" They do some bad things Y/n and I don't want you to get caught up in that stuff."
You:" How do you know all of this?"
He doesn't answer.
You:" Are you a part of it?"
You:" Wow Danny. I thought you dropped this kind of stuff in high school."
Danny:" You act like you didn't do it either."
You:" At least I stopped when things got bad."

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